There was two of me. Past me and present me. No one could see the present me. Present me kept screaming at past me. Trying to warn her. Past me still couldn't see or hear present me no matter what I tried. I woke up feeling very disoriented. June 14, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream that me and my husband and youngest child was driving on a scooter when we stop by a car accident the car was burned out and the person was lying there only bones was still alive. when we came back there was rocks build with a cross with the persons name and he passed away June 12, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I am in a car parked hanging out with a guy that's just my friend, and I don't want to be more than just friends with him. He kissed me when I'm not looking and it caughts me by surprise. Then he drops me off In front of my house. For some reason I need to get home right away or my mom will get mad, that's what I'm thinking. I try to run but I'm going so slow suddenly I'm running in 4 legs trying to go faster but I'm still going so slow. I get lost when I know my way home but i still get lost. I find friends who try to help me get home but I never really get there. June 11, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamed of a man talking and wanted to know what I was doing and if I was still married June 06, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was driving on a mountain and then I was going downhill but the breaks stopped working so I passed the emergency breaks but I still fell into this lake so I crawled out and alligators are everywhere. Then my twin sister, caitlyn, appears and then one of them bite her hand and rip off her finger so then she passes out in the water and I have to go get her before the other alligators do then I woke up in a hospital room with no legs because of the alligators and come to find out caitlyn died June 06, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
This is a repeated dream it starts off as a fun kind of maze through a home the home is unfamiliar to me other than occurring in my dream each room has a way of a different escape whether it be tactical or intellectual it starts off very easy getting through the room is just kind of looking around for key the next is there are creatures that are kind of frightening slipknots in the corners kind of as like a fear arises it makes it harder to get through the house I am usually with the same group of people every time in the dream every now and then one face will change to faces will change towards the end groups of the people on With diminish my mother usually ends up no longer being through the maze being stuck in a particular room I do not notice till the very end the end of it my my mother usually ends up no longer being through the maze being stuck in a particular room I do not notice till the very end the end of it my sisterWho is in every reoccurrence of the stream find our way out of the last room which is always the hardest always the scariest she goes up this long stairway and when I look up sheis very young she is on top of a book case or bookshelf she says she's never seen this room before there is a moment when I look away towards a bed in there my sister is laying on it there is a unfaced is very young she is on top of a book case or bookshelf she says she's never seen this room before there is a moment when I look away towards a bed in there long black haired creature holding her when I look back to the book shelf where she was there is now a doll that looks like her I walk over to the bed and try to trade out the doll for my sister it takes a minuet but it work I then get her put her on my hip and leave the room when I look at her when we arrive at the end of the stairs she is holding a little doll I always rip it open and a saw dust component falls out revealing a key to the final door the escape I look around and notice my mother is no where I fear and I start working backwards at super fast speeds running through all previous room it's is so fast so full of adrinalin I awake and am usually really nervous or awaken with a freight June 13, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I was on work taking a shower while there my co workers were outside one of the co worker whom I speak to only during work hours came in and called me outside to see the security guard lying in a pool of blood with a chopped wound to his neck and he still breathing and alive under my office when I ask they say it was done by another Co worker May 28, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis