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Dreams me in

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

It started off where we didn't know each other. You were a professional surfer and I was on a boat but I fell off and was drowning and you saved me. We started talking and dating and stuff and four months into the relationship I accidentally got pregnant and you were really pissed at first and then you started being super supportive and sweet. Then we were at the beach and I was watching you surf and there were beautiful shells everywhere and something just made me start picking up the shells and I had my back turned to the water so I didn't notice that there was a huge wave behind me and it knocked me down and dragged me into the water. You saw me drowning again but it took a long time for you to get to me. You brought me back to the beach and I was unconscious and someone started doing cpr but they were doing it wrong and they put a lot of pressure on my stomach and later that day I ended up having a miscarriage. That made me so depressed for weeks. I wouldn't get out of bed or eat and you wouldn't talk to me for a long time. After a few months we were talking again and dating, but you saw how depressed I was and you said we should try to have another baby. So we did and after a couple of weeks it worked and you were actually happy about it. We went shopping for it and stuff. Then, while I was watching you at a surf thing, I was hanging out with your friends and this girl you used to date accused me of faking being pregnant (even though at that point it had been like 6 months) because she thought I was just trying to keep you around. I got pissed and said (I remember this part really well for some reason) "you're just mad because he thinks your butt is terrible." She got mad and said that it probably wasn't even your kid, and somehow she convinced you that it wasn't, so she forced me to get a paternity test and then she knocked me out. I woke up in a giant fish tank and some woman found me and told me to leave the country if I knew what was best for me. She had a knife so I did what she said. Even though it was your kid, the girl faked the results and made it look like it wasn't. You dumped me and I ended up throwing myself in the ocean and you found me. I was dead but the baby wasn't and you gave it to my mother. That's all I remember.

I used to dream about a girl all in black crawling out of the television, black hair and everything, she would crawl to my room and drag me back to the television, i could not talk i could not scream, and i could never run to my mom to wake her up, it always ended in her pulling me into the television and then i would wake up, every single time. However one night i held onto my bedpost before going to bed, and in that one dream, she tried to pull me and i wouldnt budge, almost like my hands were now glued to the bedpost, she didnt get me that one night. I dont remember it happening ever again after that night. Was this paranormal? What was happening to me. It happened for years as a child and then all of a sudden it stopped after that night.

I was sitting in a restraunt with her, and she was my long lost twin. All of the sudden there were gunshots. The shooter was a young girl. Chloe and I slid under the table. The shooter tried to shoot me but just barely missed. She the began to unload her gun and drop the bullets onto the floor. Then she sang a song about how the shooter could no longer be her, but her twin brother, there would be another shooting and it would not be coincidental. While she sang the song i saw a sign that said D. Thoe Dylan. Soon a young boy showed up with a gun. When he saw me, he told me I would be the first to die. Then he shot me in the chest and on the arm, and I screamed. But the bullet that hit me in the chest wasnt even a bullet, it was a lighter. But the bullet that hit my arm didnt hit like a bullet, it cut my arm. Then the young boy left and my vision went blurry. All I could hear was Chloe screaming at me in the background, telling me to wake up.

A character from a book i am currently reading came into my room while i was asleep. he crowled onto my bed so he was positioned on top of me. when he did this, i woke up and twisted around and in the action i flung him so i was on top of him. i held his hands down, even though he was sort of muscular and i knew he was stronger than me. then i asked who he was and he aid his name. then at the same time we said the organization he was from. i let him up and we sat on the edge of the bed. i knew if the organization sent him then something was bad. he told me i dont have normal blood and i needed to go with him to get my blood tested. i asked what i would do about my parents and he said he would take care of that. i was beggining to pack my stuff when i saw he had a troubled look on his face. then three wolves came into the room. he tried to protect me but then i was watching this scene unfols from a third person view. my eyes started glowing bright white and i skillfuly killed the wolves. my eyes stopped glowing. he looked at me in wonder and awe. i felt my knees go weak and as i fell he caught me and carried me out of my house and i felt mushy inside as he was carrying me. then i woke up for real.

Dream: My New love in my life had the Dream.. He's 19, From Nigeria..and he's allowed himself to Love me like no one else I've ever known... Today he dreamed that he came to America, he got into a fight with my current spouse.. After the fight he saw me giving birth to 2 beautiful babies a boy name Mitchell & a girl name Michal, he said he then took me, the 2 new babies & my 2 daughters with him to Nigeria... While we were in Nigeria he saw me in a Red Gown.. He then saw My Pastor.. He said my Pastor called me & him on a Stage and said he wanted to reward us for being the Number one Givers Financially in ministry.. He gave us Rewards & he also said he had a Gift for us. Significant Life Events: Leaving a unhealthy relationship & embracing this new Love in my life. I have No Fears!! But I've been frustrated in this current marriage relationship Background: I'm 40. African American. I'm a Customer service Representative. I'm a Female Mental Illness Or Depression: No Location: I'm in America. I Indiana Feelings About People: With my current Spouse its awful.. I want to leave home immediately.. With the young man who had the dream I Love him very dearly.. My 2 Girls I Love them more than anything.. The 2 twin babies I don't know them... My Pastor is a very very special man to me Relationship Status: Married When And How Often: Thursday, May 12th. No not recurring dreamer47258 Dream Lover Posts: 1 Joined: May 12th, 2016, 11:50 am

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