My dream started when a couple of my friends and I decided to have an outing, without any idea, one of my gay friend brought me to a seawharf where my other friends are there, suddenly, there's this guy who is my classmate that is not in my friend that caught up my attention and i called him yelling at his name while hugging him and he hugged me back that makes my heart beats so fast but unexpected things happen when he pushed me to the seawater that is so clear and honestly speaking i have a phobia of seas and oceans but in the dream, i found myself breathing underneath the 10-feet crystal clear seawater and we decided to go to my place and we got wet by a rain but we seem to enjoy it, and when we finally reach my place, there's a big aquarium where my neice is in it and the aquarium is filled with water so i get in and talk to my neice, when i decided to get out to change clothes, i just found that my friends were playing in our virtual aquarium and when they're gone, i just noticed that our house is completely wet due to the raindrops falling on our ceiling November 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was bit by a shark on my right hand in a dream he was in a pool like in a small front lawn it was made into Lake that went in the house it was at a house I never seen he bit my right hand I saw the sharks sharp teeth I was pulling away but it was hurting I was hitting him and tried to light him with a lighter my fiance came with a dagger she was calm and poked the shark I snatched the dagger and stabbed the shark he let go I remember seeing open wounds and blood and I felt pain one if my fingers was twisted I escape the shark I called my job and told them that I got bit by a shark and they said you're still coming to work right and I went back to work no one believed I was bit by a shark I came back to where the shark was and I was messing with it throwing stuff at it I felt needed revenge on the shark but I didnt I woke up November 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a village and I met a new friend. I had to get back for the dance, but I was going to be late. Then I got a phone call from my mom. She had already called my brothers, but she told me my dad's health was going to cause him to die November 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream my ex boyfriend called my cell phone , he said he miss me and now he is back and he brought my favourite snack with him. November 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw that many people outside my home were having party and firing i dont know how i went outside but when i went a person saw me and i said him dont kill me he firede on me two times but those bullets didnt killed me i ran towards my gate of house and he again shooted me but again bullets didnt killed me. infact , nothing happened.then i quickly ran towards my gate of house and went insine. through my door i saw the same man calling the name of my uncle's son,saying him a friend. as i saw him i called him insidewhen i saw him alone. he came to me and i told him all the story that happened to me. he picked my hand and grabbed it and said nothingwill happen to me.then suddenly we both were walikng on a path holding hands tightly. and he is also the one whom i love. November 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
First off i would just like to say that my wife and I are recovering addicts. My wife has been clean and sober for 4 years and I have been clean and sober for ten months. In the dream I had yesterday, I had a dream in my dream that my wife was sitting there doing cocaine and a friend of mine was just sitting there on the couch and I asked my wife what she was doing and she didn't care that she was doing the drugs in front of me. Then I called my N.A sponsor in this dream and told him what my wife did and he told me that I had to take myself out of that situation and away from your wife if she's going to continue to do that. And then that was it, I woke up November 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm 13 yrs old. In my dream, my father arranged me and this guy, I knew who he was but I didn't know a lot about him , could be called a stranger . First I was confused why he wanted me to marry at the age of 14 but then throughout the dream, I thought how of would It be like marrying him, and then I actually felt slightly happy? What does this mean November 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Eating guava dream. i saw my son eating guava. i called him and was upset about that. November 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about my friend martelle deshon reed he had came into a class room I saw him and was happy than I remembered we were out in a hall way and ge had lift me up to spun me around and I said that I missed him he told me that he missed me too he called me baby I love my best friend so much I hope that I get a visit from him soon oh and his eyes went blank like white when some one's eyes rolls back into there heads it was like the twilight zone November 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis