I dreamt that i was in my grandmother's cortage with my sister in- law then i just got out to collect something from outside the moment i was out i looked behind me and saw fire burning towards me at a high speed through the grass towards me when i was about to alert my sister in-law the fire consumed me and i burnt then i thought i died but woke up in the dream and found that i had a small burn on my hand and it had dried up.
I saw my boyfriend n his mother they looked at me with a face n I saw my boyfriend but I'm not really remember everything but I saw a baby that looks like we take care n we holding the baby with us n I woke up
I was at a summer camp and the camp director told us to do jumping jacks and we did. Then we were on these stairs outside and suddenly Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing, and one of the boys in my group stopped on the stairs and just sat there mesmerized by the song. Everyone continued walking down the stairs and we entered a forest, I don't know why we were there but we were in a forest and there were cars and cabins there. I was very creeped out so I tried to leave, but when I did thorn-like things blocked the exit and a boy told me I had to stay loyal and help them look for a missing kid. So I walked around the forest and looked up at a cabin where I saw a shadow of a kid, it looked like he had a gun, he shot himself. I quickly walked away because I didn't want to believe it. I was about to as a supervisor how to exit the forest when two kids carried the corpse of the kid who shot himself. They lifted the sheet and there was a skeleton, and the skeleton was wearing a religious scarf on his head.
I was held in the hands of a huge demon and the demon laughed and spoke something in a language i couldn't understand i looked in his eyes and see all the carnage and destruction and felt every death
I dreamed I was walking home from work. A woman I know drove up in a small blue car like a Volkswagen Beetle but not a beetle. She was with two other women I did not recognize. She told me they were going to try a new restaurant that has just opened and wanted to know if I wanted to join them. I eagerly agreed and got into the car. We drove only a small bit before arriving at a small run down neighborhood. The restaurant sat in the middle of the block and looked like a large two story house made out of the same material as a pencil eraser, and when you touched it it jiggled like jell-O. We went up to a door just up a short step but when we opened the door their was a bald man wearing a tank top T shirt and black cargo pants talking about stock options. We eventually found another door similar to that one on the other side with a smaller door on the ground next to it. By ringing the bell on the small door a Little person came out cursing and swearing and ran up the stairs, unlocked the door, then ran back into the little door. We went in a found a huge dark restaurant. They had a steak bar, sea food Liquor, everything you could imagine and our table was piled high with all kinds of food. We ate and laughed and had a really great time. I was getting full and wanted to leave but they were not done yet. So I left. I walked out and it was late afternoon. I crossed the street to find the scene had changed. The side walk I stepped off of was still a little run down neighborhood, but now the street was cobble stone and lined with Gas light style street lamps. Across the street was a thick tropical jungle. It was getting dark the further across the road I walked. Suddenly two large elephants burst out of the jungle and were wrestling in the same way people wrestle. They clutched each other and fell over then started rolling towards me. I just had time to jump out of the way and step up on the opposite side walk. The scene changed again. It was dark at this time and the street was lined with these depressing buildings made of dark crumbling stones. I stepped into an open doorway. When I stepped in, I found a low ceiling room, dirt floors, crumbling stone columns rising up from the floor. In the center of the room were these kids dressed in, what I interpreted, as school uniforms from the turn of the 19th century. They all looked very demented and dangerous, either staring blankly at the walls, or grinning an evil and crazy grin. A woman was there dressed as a nun telling them of the importance of balancing a check book. I remember saying something like, "I'm in the wrong place", and turning to leave. When I turned I was looking at a girl who appeared to be around 14 years old. She had black hair and eyes and tan skin. I walked past her heading for the door i came in and could feel her following me. Suddenly she ran up and bit me on my right shoulder blade. When I turned around to see what had happened she was blonde, with blue eyes and pale skin and had blood dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. That was when I wok up. I swear I had not had a drop of alcohol or any drugs. LOL
I was in the kitchen with people I guess I knew very well but did not recognize any of them
There was an older woman with short hair and she was not upset or sad or anything but just said she was done. I did not recognize her but she knew me. She knew I was behind her. I pick up a knife and I tried to stab her in her lower back. The knife bent like it was made of rubber, the girl standing in front of her stabbed her and then I did and I felt the knife go in. She looked at me and she was aware of it but not upset and she really was not bleeding at all. Then she looked at her right thumb and kept staring at it. Both of her thumbs became tubes and branches and leaves started to sprout out from her thumbs on both sides. I left the room. When I went back in there, one of the guys was sitting on the floor and there were many small trees in pots on the floor, they were beautiful and colorful and we put them outside. All of the plants became one big beautiful tree, prettier than anything I ever saw.
I dreamt that i was in my grandmother's cortage with my sister in- law then i just got out to collect something from outside the moment i was out i looked behind me and so fire burning towards me at a high speed when i was about to alert my sister in-law the fire consumed me and i burnt then i thought i died but woke up in the dream and found that i had a small burn on my hand
Flying attached underneath an aircraft my older brother was holding me as we looked down at the earth the plane was descending and couldn't go lower because of power lines, so it ascended back up, my older brother pretended to let me go and I got scared, then he held on to me tighter.
I was in my house, in the basement, but it wasn't what my basement in reality looks like. I was cleaning while my Dad and brother helped move large furniture to rearrange the room. I found a secret door and opened it with the tiny handle. A couple spiders came out. The room was medium sized and looked abandoned. It was blue and in rough shape. My Dad said it'd be a lot of work to fix. Then there were spiders everywhere. I stepped on one. Outside crawling up the wall were others, with two big ones just sitting there. My Dad said we'd come back to kill them later. I was really uncomfortable.
I was held in the hands of a huge demon and the demon laughed and spoke something in a language i couldn't understand i looked in his eyes and saw all the carnage and destruction and felt every death