Part of my dream was, that cole sprouse had said something romantic to me and I felt that I probably had liked him. Then one thing led to another, we kissed. And next to us was clear water, very blue I must say. And in the water were hearts, with gold around them. Then after we kissed, we walked away together.
I had a dream my boyfriend was pregnant. I roled over in bed and seen the bump. For some reason i felt hatred for it but i rubbed it. The emotion was more like exceptance but i still felt mad at the bulge... what does this mean
Baby moving inside my stomach touched my stomach I felt the babys hands and body
Last night I dreamt that I was swimming with a shark. However I was very obviously not under any threat from the shark, I was wrapped round it, holding on, while it swam thru the water. I felt very safe. Finally, the water itself was a series of pools in a Disney-style theme park. It was almost as if the shark was a ride in the park, except that it was very definitely 'live'.
Everyone was in awe about fire in the sky. It turned out to be an asteroid. It hit earth and i felt the earth move
I had a dream that I had a huge assignment due in a class I took last year, chemistry. I was freaking out trying to do it but I couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried I felt like I was failing. Then my chemistry class turned into my English class and my teacher grades someone's out loud and he was nervous and shaky.
Being carried away in a fast ocean current supported by swiftly swimming fish. I was not afraid. I felt that the current was taking me too far south and I needed to be going north. I felt excited and energized
I see a flouting object, i go to grab it, and it moves. I go to grab it and it moves again, then again, and again. one last time i try to grab it i fell off my chair and could not get up. felt like it was hard to move. as i try to turn my head to my door, I see my girlfriend in a light blue dress or night gown, with her head and hands up. I start calling out her name ashley, ashley, ashley. cuz i was terrified, but also knew this was a dream i felt i couldn't awake from myself.
I was in a huge mansion that was like a school and there was a sort of competition. A friend of mine, who I haven't seen in a long time was there and he was in a team with me. I felt as we spoke that we were bonding and he kissed me on the cheek.
People: Khadijah, Rich, Sean, Cinnamon, Pastor, Grandmother, my kids
It was like a concert or a play. We were trying to see for some reason the security staff was rather rude to us. We tried moving to another seat but they were not happy about us moving.
Then the scene moved to a long table with Pastor talking. The table contained stuff / food on it. It was 3 peopel at the table. Then Pastor turned it over to 1 person to speak. Then his wife got up and spoke and said that we hope that you enjoy what we bought. I was so irritated because nobody could get to the food on the table. They would not move. Then I saw my grandmother and I felt peace. She did not say anything she was just there. I felt peace and nothing else