Recurring dream that my boyfriend is cheating on me
I keep dreaming my husband is cheating on me or leaving me
My boyfriend is cheating on me with his ex- girlfriend
I dreamed my grandfather that passed away about 17 years ago came back to life. I was talking to him about how I thought my husband was cheating on me. I told him that before I married I had made a lot of mistakes and that I was truly sorry for all I had done but since I had been married to my husband I had been doing as I should. He patted my head and told me it was ok and that no matter what happened would be ok.
My boyfriend is cheating and then i beat him up
Having sex with someone else cheating
Why do i keep dreaming that my husband is cheating when im afar home
Current boyfriend 's name, but ex husbands face... he is cheating in me
I had a dream that my mom was cheating on my dad with her co-worker. She acted like a giddy schoolgirl, and she even tried to get me to help her cheat, but I refused. I pushed her away, so she was hurt that I didn't want anything to do with her.
I've never dreamed anything like this before. It felt like my world was falling apart, and the feeling lasted a little after I woke up.
Boyfriend is cheating