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Dreams woke up

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So I had a weird dream about my boyfriend . There was a hallway that seemed like it went on forever and I felt this sense of urgency. I was running down the hall checking every single door. Panic was setting in. I went up to the next floor then the next one and again until I was on something like 37. I remember thinking "it's above me!" So for some odd reason, I went out the window standing on the edge. I even remember thinking "This is a very stupid idea. Also, how can I stop this from happening? Fuck it I'll wing it." Then in the window, I saw her. So what was she? Some kind of octopus girl who sucked the life out of guys. I remember replaying some information in my head about her as I worked on breaking into the plexiglass window. I was getting annoyed because I wasn't getting through the window fast enough. Right as I was getting pissed off, it finally gave in, and just in time. I rushed in between you and the girl and told her I couldn't allow her to do this. She asked if I would consider him a good person and I told her the best. She asked if she could pull my memories of him and I said yes. I also told her that she would have to kill me first and im not easy to kill. She asked why and I told her he was my everything. She looked at him and just disappeared. I woke up. What does it mean?

In the dream so I was going out at isiokolo, I saw one of my late aunt with her child so I decided to go and meet her and greet her when I got there at the roundabout side I greeted her but the child refuse to let go of me that I must carry him and go to where I was going but I refuse instead I ask the mom if there is anybody in the house so I will drop him there to play since their house is close to the agbon secondary school. I carried the child at my back, as I was going after passing a spot where police were standing nor far from their street, some guys were following us sha and my instinct already told me that those people aren't nice. So I hasten my legs but wasn't fast enough and they caught me. They where like I should bring out my phone for money. I said I don't have money that they sent me message but I branch my aunt side to greet her and the son refuse to let go that's why I'm taking the child to the house so I will take keke to ughelli that I'm going. The guys refuse to hear, my aunty so now came into the matter and was still telling same thing to the guys but they still refuse. They kept on saying I should bring the money but I was still explaining to them, the next thing I saw was something that look like Cain that the guy use and hit me. He was just hitting me and I was just shouting. Guess what, the place all this are happening wasn't far from where the police were standing but they didn't come that was where I woke up this morning to pray

I saw my mother telling me how we have lots of places to visit. Then I remember visiting a man whom I have never seen in real life yet is was married to with a kid probably in my dream (I never saw it in the dream nor was it mentioned I think, I just knew). We had an amazing amazing time together, the most close I've ever been to anyone I loved, it was surreal, it was the purest purest love I've ever felt. During that time, it was mentioned that I also had a relationship with my recent broken up ex, probably because the boy was only my baby daddy?? Well, we talked around, and I asked if he wants to know about the boyfriend , and he frowned, and he answered no, it's not because I want to know about him, but...and he never finished. In the end I again heard my mother telling me we have plenty of places to go to, and then I woke up. When I woke up, I couldn't remember his face, though I could see it in my dream, he kind of reminded my of my ex, but not exactly, he was different.

First, I was driving on the phone with my boyfriend then I got into a car accident. I tried to call my mom. I tried to call my dad, they didn't pick up. My boyfriend came and got me and I took my car to uncle's car shop. My cousin called and said she needed me to come get her so, I asked my boyfriend if it was play and he said yea. So, we went and got her and then we went to my aunt's house to see our little cousins. After awhile, it was late so we left. My boyfriend took me home and I was talking to my mom and explained all that happened and she said she would handle my car and told me "You should go with your boyfriend " so, I said okay and me and my cousin got back into his car. We went and dropped my cousin off and then went to his friends house where I met his friends, One girl seemed to have a problem with me and went to tell my boyfriend something then he got upset then, she came back to me being rude and I said I was ready to go. So, we left got to his house and went to sleep. The next morning he said his friends wanted to go to a pumpkin patch so we put on matching outfits then we left, while we were at the pumpkin patch the same rude girl kept flirting with him which I thought was disrespectful so, I told her I wanted to fight. Then we left the pumpkin patch and went somewhere where we could fight and we fought. The other girl stopped us and I looked at my boyfriend s friend and his hair was dissappearing then he had the oxygen tubes in his nose and said "I have cancer" so I rushed and helped him to the car and was trying to get my boyfriend to come on but it was like he couldn't hear me. Then his friend with cancer started to drive the car himself so he could get to the hospital and I tried to stop him but it didn't work. Then everybody came over asking what happened and we all got in the car trying to follow him to the hospital but on our way we saw my boyfriend 's car crashed in to a tree and I got out and ran to the car then I woke up

In my dream, I was walking to Edwan's house. There was also a white car in their yard; it was Ruwayda's mom's car, and she and someone else were in the car talking. He was a guy, but I didn't know his name, and I didn't care, so I went inside to see him just to hear from the people who live there that he wasn't home. He and Lago and someone else went to some place I never heard of. I was bumped out because I had to walk all this way. So I wanted to go back home, but the lady in his wouldn't let me leave until she gave me something to eat.I appreciated her off and sat down and waited, but she realized that there wasn't any food in the house. Then I told her it was okay and that I would eat home. She told me to sit there and wait while she was going to the shop. I abled and sat down, and when she left, I started wondering why Ruwayda was here and in her mom's car with someone I don't even know. They both don't even live here. I started getting suspicious, but I never got to the answer. A little while after that, I sat bored on the wooden chair by the window, then I decided to peek out the window to see if they were still talking or something, and they weren't; they were having sex in her mom's car with a blanket covering their lower waist. Ruwayda is my ex, so I couldn't give a fuck. A While later I wondered in the house for Little that house was bigger than I actually was from the inside, but I didn't notice a few things that also happened, but I can't remember what. After a while, Edwan's aunty, sister ELA, came and made me something to eat. I said thank you and wanted to leave. When I opened that white painted wooden door and put my feet outside, an older lady who is very old and also somewhat family of Edwan yelled at me because I'm leaving the gate that I never came in through, then she started babbling about her mother always closing her gate, then very hesitantly I abilged and went over to close the gate, then suddenly there was another gate that I had left open, so I closed that and left. After that, the next dream appeared where I was in EPD class, laying my head down on the table as I rarely do in real life, and I started to stand up because Our teacher wants to tell us something, and before I got the chance to walk over to him, Tristan started loudly talking to Ruwayda, who is outside our classes. Still in her mom's car, I'm a little confused but still giving little fucks. He started telling her I wasn't always so quiet and awkward and that when I used to hear music and lay my head down on the table, I would jump up and start dancing. While I listened to this, I couldn't help but give a smirk to that statement, but the thing is that it never happened in real life. So things started to change in the dream, and we just came from a teacher's award ceremony, and our EPD class teacher won and was walking happily in line with us. His walking was very funny, so I decided to walk just like him. After that, we got to class, and the teacher handed out more work for us to do. After that, things got blurry, and I woke up.

Well in the beggining, I was in the top of balcony near coast completly alone, so I went down the cobblestone steps surrounded by beautiful summer houses full of plants, until I got all the way down to the beach. Then I emerged on a wide promenade along the very edge of the beautiful sea. The promenade was more or less deserted, but I noticed some groups of young people talking to each other and I suddenly felt sad because I remembered that I was alone. Until suddenly, out of nowhere, a beautiful blonde girl approached me with the friendly intention of hanging out. Suddenly I didn't feel so alone and I was happy. We had a little walk, talking a bit with each other. I didn't even manage to ask her name. Then I woke up and felt a kind of sadness. That's my whole dream in a nutshell. Even I managed to notice a lot of symbolism in this dream. So hope you can help me even more to understand the meaning of my dream. Thank you.

My dream: I was at my friend Lucy's church camp, and we were in the church canteen and I was sitting down at a wooden table talking to my friends Lucy and Allegra and then Tommy kept looking at me from the from his table, and then he comes over to me and we start talking about anything and then I put my earrings on because we're getting ready to leave and then Tommy looks at me and says "why do you wear those?" and then Tommy's dad comes up to me and Tommy and asks if Tommy likes me and then Tommy looks at me. then I woke up

My dream: I was at my friend Lucy's church camp, and we were in the church canteen and I was sitting down at a wooden table talking to my friends Lucy and Allegra and then Tommy kept looking at me from the from his table, and then he comes over to me and we start talking about anything and then I put my earrings on because we're getting ready to leave and then Tommy looks at me and says "why do you wear those?" and then Tommy's dad comes up to me and Tommy and asks if Tommy likes me and then Tommy looks at me. then I woke upI was at my friend Lucy's church camp, and we were in the church canteen and I was sitting down at a wooden table talking to my friends Lucy and Allegra and then my crush Tommy keeps looking at me from the from his table, and then he comes over to me and we start talking about anything and then I put my earrings on because we're getting ready to leave and then Tommy looks at me and says "why do you wear those?" and then Tommy's dad comes up to me and Tommy and asks if Tommy likes me and then Tommy looks at me. then I woke up

I was at an aquarium, and an employee was showing me the aquatic animals there, when, I felt super dizzy, because we were on a lift, and they were showing me the animals from above, so it would be easier for me to see them. Then, I lost my balance, and fell in the aquarium, when I lost consciousness, and passed out. Then, I woke up, and was in the hospital, when they told me that the reason that I had passed out was because of the height and, then, they said, there was nothing that they could figure out, so, they said that the only thing they could think of was that I was pregnant.

My dream: I was at an airport coming home from idk where but I’m guessing I went solo because I was the only one who came out the gates. And I was worried cuz I didn’t have anyone to pick me up but you were there holding a sign that you were picking me up. And I was confused because how tf did you know I was home?? Anyways you said you were gonna drive me home. We took this big ass sprinter van but it was just you and me and we were coming from JFK cuz it was def New York and on the drive home the back started to shake and all my things started shaking. And I got worried cuz they were gonna come out. And you kept asking what’s in my bag or what am I hiding in the the back. So I jumped to the back and held on my suitcases before they opened. But I didn’t know what was in them and didn’t know why they were shaking or why they were trying to open themselves. You pulled over and went to the back and you grabbed my collar from the back and threw me down towards the front. You unzipped one of the bags and this bright ass yellow light came out and it was like bright as hell like the whole inside of the van was bright white yellow lights and you just stared at it. Then we hear sirens and I’m like “oh shit close it close it” and we heard a knock from outside and it was a bunch of cops waiting for me. I opened it and my parents were there questioning what I’m doing. Your mom was there WITH RAYA and your dad came out the cut running but he had just come from a tennis game cuz he had the little band around his head and sweatbands on his wrists. Then my friends came and surround our sprinter van and I was confused to why everyone was there. The cops told me that I have something very important in those bags and suitcases. And I was like “sir I just came from a trip I don’t have anything bad” and I was highkey tearing up cuz I was so stressed. And everyone was saying to just open it and just step aside. So I hopped off the van and the cop came in and started opening the bag you just opened and when he did this bright ass yellow white light came and lit up the whole van and I had to cover my eyes and you were still in the van covering your eyes from how bright it was. And the rest of the bag started to shake and I told my parents “I don’t know what’s happening I swear I didn’t bring anything from the trip” and the rest of my bags started shaking again and unzipping slowly and more of the yellow and bright lights started to show from the bags and suitcases. The cop just stared into the bag he opened and he said “son you’re good this isn’t for me” and I said “officer I swear I didn’t bring anything bad i just came from a trip” and you you wanted to see what it was but everyone else outside came in the van to see what was the light. And they all did the same thing and stared at it and just walked out. And I stayed outside atp I’m like crying. And you finally got the turn to see and you walked up to it and you looked into the bag and you turn your head slowly towards me and you reach your hand in and the rest of the bags opened up and the whole van glowed like it felt like I was 2 feet away from the sun and it just shined on my face and the bright light just swallowed the whole van and it tried covering my eyes and I screamed in my dream and then I woke up to the bright light of my laptop screen.

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