I am in my school uniform in my school with my college mate, a senior guy. I am running behind him since i'm late to class and a kid pushes me on him. I knock him down and I pull him up and apologize. The next time he gives me an umbrella in the rain May 18, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a small room and my foster sister was laying on the top bunk of a bunk bed and were cursing at each other. Next I left the room and went into another room where I heard worship and praise songs. I thought, people don't know about this place, I have to tell them about it. I walked down a few flights of stairs. I felt like I was in a high school or something like it. There was someone on my right side, but I couldn't see them, I just knew someone was there. I end up in a underground of some sort. I open a door and there are about five men sitting at student desks with a black book in their hands. When I opened the door they stood up and began to follow me. I looked for the staircase I came down and found that it was locked. It had multiple locks on it, including a chain and a soldier was posted at the door too. I told the soldier I needed to go in the door to get back to where I came from. He said that it was impossible, I could not go back that way. I pleaded with him and told him I had to because I was on a mission. He replied, Oh, in that case take these items: (a purple umbrella, a pink sheer veil and a key chain)and go that way; he pointed to an elevator. I get in the elevator; there is a strange woman smiling at me when I look out from the elevator. I suddenly realize that I didn't know what floor that room was on. With that thought someone on my right, who I thought may be my friend Lovie, pushed the button on the elevator, she pushes floor 9. Then I wake up. July 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My fiance was bitten by a spider and became very ill within 24 hours. The doctors could not do anything for him and as a group of us were walking from a dock onto land, he fell in the water and drowned. We could not get him out of the water. Some hours later, someone saw him reaching and trying to breath. We attempted rescue again, but he was dead. I was sick with grief and could not be left alone. I went with my aunt to get pizza for dinner and cried the whole time, as everything reminded me of him. There was a strange group of people outside of the establishment. Which is an old building, two-floors, with an antiqued smoky-gray wood. I have dreamed of this building before. After coming outside, a woman in the strange group teased me for being so sad. She took the fabric off of an umbrella and used the sharp ends to scrape my abdomen and drew blood. She then had a branding tool, with a small copper coin at the end, heated it, and burned me all over my abdomen and breasts. July 19, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was walking in the pouring rain and I had a valentines day umbrella over my head. the color of the urmbrella was white, and red.. July 07, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis