My front tooth was stuck right out I spent an hour with a little toffee hammer tapping it back in line with my other teeth
Losing my tooth
I had a dream I had a loose tooth and I am an adult.
I dreamt my tooth fell out
Tooth filling comes loose, I play with it then make it go back into place and stay
Tooth filling falls out, t had a dream that all my fillings fell out and they were made out of gold.
My front tooth is stuck right out from the rest of my teeth II spent an hour with a little toffee hammer tapping it in line with my other teeth
I found a tooth on the top of my head. It was loose and I pulled it out. It was attached to a long membrane, which turned into a single lifeless finger.
I had a dream of losing my inner tooth
I was at a gas station with my boyfriend . He got me 2 beers. I only drank one. His parents were there. I was drunk. They got toothpicks.