A woman drugged me and I felt dizzy and collapsed in a pharmacy. Then a man dressed in black leather like a doctor kneeled before me and studied me, saying I'm going to die if I don't get treatment soon. He wanted me to get up, but I was too weak and dizzy. So he used chloroform and made me sleep. Next thing I knew was that I was in someone else's house in an empty room and I slept on a mattress with warm bedding
In my dream my girlfriend and her besties were in some apartment and suddenly there were some paranormal activity corks knives were levitating amd trying to hurt my girlfriend . Then all of a sudden my girlfriend and her bestie were in my house so i try to figure out same thing happmeing like everything levitating the ghost tries to contact her so she taken out her mobile and went to notes app so the ghost now trying its name. So my girl firend reacts with smile.and said oh its you.. you are the last thing i even wanted to see.. and i asked another secret story ah? Then dream stops.
I got attacked they attemped to rape me then a different person tried to rob he pulled a gun out on me when he realized that I had a gun he fired his gun at me stricking me in the leg. Then my fried grab my gun and emptied the gun on the second guy the police was called, then 1 of the robbers came to my house to return stolen items that I didn’t know he had stolen, so we held him to call the police but the police wouldn’t answer their phone then I woke up
I got attacked they tried to rape me then a different person tried to rob me and I was shot in the leg. and I returned fire at the robber. The robber came to my home to return items stolen
Mother drugging me and I felt dizzy and collapsed in a pharmacy. Then a man dressed in black leather like a doctor kneeled before me and studied me, saying I'm going to die if I don't get treatment soon. He wanted me to get up, but I was too weak and dizzy. So he used chloroform and made me sleep. Next thing I knew was that I was in someone else's house in an empty room and I slept on a mattress with warm bedding
Dream fire in ceiling around light fixture, then a dog bite my hand
I dreamt of a new sex friend and his really long hair. Then at the end of the dream his Hair was cut showing his tattood head
Had an ingrown hair and started pulling it from bikini area, but it turned out to be a fish then a bird
I got attacked they attemped to rape me then a different person tried to rob he pulled a gun out on me when he saw that I had a gun he fired his gun at me stricking me in the leg. Then my fried grab my gun and emptied the gun on the second guy the police was called, then 1 of the robbers came to my house to return stolen items that I didn’t know he had stolen, so we held him to call the police but the police wouldn’t answer their phone then I woke up
I got attacked they tried to rape me then a different person tried to rob he pulled a gun out on me when he saw that I had a gun he fired his gun at me stricking me in the leg. Then my fried grab my gun and emptied the gun on the second guy the police was called, then 1 of the robbers came to my house to return stolen items that I didn’t know he had stolen, so we held him to call the police but the police wouldn’t answer their phone then I woke up