Understand My Dreams

Dreams shoulders

I've had this dream since I can remember. It was a recurring dream. The last time I had this dream was when I was 12. I remember laying my head on somebody's lap. Everybody around me seems to be busy and it was played on a fast-forward manner but for me and for that lady whom I was laying my head to, it seems to be playing on a normal speed. I look up to her and she smiles at me while she plays with my hair. I distinctively remember what she looks like. Hair up to her chest, olive eyes with long eyelashes, a petite nose and a half-smile. She appeared so serene and I felt secure when I see her despite of all the busy people around me. Today, I'm already 18 years old. After so many years, I dreamed of her again last night. But it wasn't the same anymore. Her hair was cut up to her shoulders. She's still smiling as I see her but the setting isn't the same. I was roaming around with some of my friends and everywhere I look, either may it be a forest, a corner or behind a group of people, I can see her looking at me with the same half-smile as I can remember. This recurring dream that I had before remains a mystery to me and I want to find out what it means. Thank you.

In my dream I am in the middle of nowhere with a large group of people. The only near landmark is a gas station about a half mile away. I am by a fence which has nine figures lined up against it. The figures are large and have human and animal characteristics. In the confusion a man announces to the crowd "Choose your God so the ceremony can begin." I don't understand what's going on so I choose no figure to stand by. All of a sudden the figures come to life. As people begin walking away with their gods I am tripped and I fall into a kneeling position. What appeared as a bow was me attempting to stand up when all of a sudden I see a large daunting figure in front of me. He has the head of an ox carved out of wood for everything above his shoulders. The rest of him is a sturdy and well bit man like body. he grabs me by the legs and drags me away from the crowd. He pushes me to ground as I try to stand up. He places a cup on the ground begins to pour a flammable and toxic liquid on me and into the cup. When I attempt to drink it I vomit. He sets the liquid on fire, catching me a flames. The flames go out as quickly as they began. I try numerous times to drink but I fail. All of a sudden I am horrified to see the figure dousing me with his own ejaculation. It doesn't seem to end. :( I look behind him to see my father motioning for me to escape. He is at that gas station that was mentioned earlier. I empty out the cup and attempt to drink the liquid one last time. I set the ground around us on fire. I make a run for my father the get away car...I woke up before knowing if I had escaped.

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