Understand My Dreams

Dreams rust

I'm lost sometimes alone sometimes with other people in a place I'm not sure of but I seem to know my way around. The place is always dark, gross, and abandoned looking. Bloody and rusty rooms and everything is trashed. I normally have a flashlight because everything is dark. There are disfigured monsters always chasing after me, some are different from others, some are slow, fast, so look more disfigured than others with rotting flesh and very bloody. Most don't have faces just lumps of flesh with arms and legs. The place I am in I can never escape. I seem to run around hopelessly. When there is someone with me they always try to find a way out but fails.

Dream: My New love in my life had the Dream.. He's 19, From Nigeria..and he's allowed himself to Love me like no one else I've ever known... Today he dreamed that he came to America, he got into a fight with my current spouse.. After the fight he saw me giving birth to 2 beautiful babies a boy name Mitchell & a girl name Michal, he said he then took me, the 2 new babies & my 2 daughters with him to Nigeria... While we were in Nigeria he saw me in a Red Gown.. He then saw My Pastor.. He said my Pastor called me & him on a Stage and said he wanted to reward us for being the Number one Givers Financially in ministry.. He gave us Rewards & he also said he had a Gift for us. Significant Life Events: Leaving a unhealthy relationship & embracing this new Love in my life. I have No Fears!! But I've been frustrated in this current marriage relationship Background: I'm 40. African American. I'm a Customer service Representative. I'm a Female Mental Illness Or Depression: No Location: I'm in America. I Indiana Feelings About People: With my current Spouse its awful.. I want to leave home immediately.. With the young man who had the dream I Love him very dearly.. My 2 Girls I Love them more than anything.. The 2 twin babies I don't know them... My Pastor is a very very special man to me Relationship Status: Married When And How Often: Thursday, May 12th. No not recurring dreamer47258 Dream Lover Posts: 1 Joined: May 12th, 2016, 11:50 am

You were in a salon, but you were also in a classroom setting. You seemed a little frustrated but I could barely tell, you were holding back some frustration. Your hair was in the locs and I was like "Em! I'm ready for you do my hair" you were like you want the locs? I said yeah, and you started laughing and you were like nahh you don't want these. Then I was like "well it looks beautiful on you woman of God." You were standing there looking like you were about to cry but you didn't you smiled and said thank you.

I was on a Forest trail. I noticed an eagle circling high above. I remember wishing that I could get closer to it. Moments later it landed on the trail a few feet away. I knelt down to the ground and the eagle approached closer. I was scared at first as it come closer to me, but I knew I had to trust it. Sure enough this great bird meant no harm. Hidden dazzled its head against my arm and allowed me to pet it. Not long after a second eagle appeared on the ground behind the first eagle.

Last night I've dreamed that I was in my grandparents house (they are dead now. they were my father's parents). it was almost night in the dream. at the moment in that house nobody lives, but in my dream I had the feeling that there are so many people... like in my childhood when I used to visit.At some point in the dream, my dead grandmother showed up. she didn't speak or look at me. she was just passed by. she was inside the house. i was looking at her. I wasn't afraid, but I was so surprised to see her again so healthy and on her feet instead of very sick with one misseing leg like she was before death. she was walking slowly, very careful but with dignity. in my dream she was looking very well and I had a feeling of admiration. after, i dont remember what happened but I was in another part of the house, staying at the door, looking outside, with a fear feeling. in front of me were wood fences . to the left a man silhouette (I couldn't see who he was...maybe my father) and to the right an animal.. I thought it was a small bear, or a dog looking as a bear). they were separated by fences. each had a door with locker. In the dream I was afraid of that open locker... I could see the big lock, full of rust..open. in the dream I was thinking that we must close that locker but at the same time I didn't move. I dont remember the rest of the dream.. but I remember changing the plan. I was back in Uk, from Romania (my grandparents house) with my actual boyfriend ... trying to manage some furniture in a very tiny space...our new home in my dream. I remember also a woman. I didn;t see her. I knew she was very young and somehow connected with my boyfriend . she was kind of a menthor to him. what all these could mean?

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