Understand My Dreams

Dreams numbers

I was teaching at a school as a student teacher and suddenly one of the teachers stopped me and was like "why do you have a tattoo" and I said, "I don't" and then I looked at my left arm and I got this cold shiver feeling all the way up my arm and as I did a tattoo of letters and numbers and Roman numerals appeared eventually it went all the way up my arm to my shoulder and when we wanted to show the nurse it slowly started disappearing and then the nurse said something about it having to do with smoking but I only smoke weed and somehow my dad was involved... it was weird

I dreamt gypsys had stolen my two puppies to kill them and I was frantically running to get them, they killed one and I managed to save the other, then they gypsy asked me to get into a white van where I was sure they were going to murder me. Further on I was sat in the bingo hall near my house when I noticed the numbers s were becoming all fuzzy and the book wasn't right. One of the gypsyies was working at the bingo and when I went to the toilet, they burst out of a cubicle, stabbed me in the chest and ran off with something that was embedded in my chest, not my heart. I ran after them, bleeding and caught them and got back this amulet an placed it back in my chest, nearly dieting my partner entered my dream and helped me sow my chest back together. I recovered. And as I was recovering in my bed, I woke up from my dream lay in the position I was in, in my dream.

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