Understand My Dreams

Dreams morning

I had a dream that maddie and I were getting packed in the car to go to Arizona and we forgot to grab the tickets out of the printer. We had to leave really early in the morning so we were trying to hurry. When we got back home we saw that maddie spelt my mom’s last name wrong “Holtusen” and it’s spelt “Holthusen” (also this is my mom’s maiden name so it was so weird). So we were calling the airport to try to get it fixed and they kept telling us that we had to fix 24 hours in advance. By the time we kinda got it figured out, it was too late. The plane left at 10 and it was 9, but we still had to drive to fargo.

I dreamt my friend crashed his van. Then drove the van into a brick wall that was at a car wash. People came and a man tried to take our IDs but I didn’t have mine. We were waiting for the police but they never came. Then I dreamt I was with my brother and he was driving. We were following my mom to a really big field and I kind of knew they way but my brother wasn’t sure. I hit him and he started to cry. I felt bad because I didn’t mean to do that. We sat there and there were some kids playing football and another guy there with his dog. Then I dreamed I was teaching a Sunday morning class. I was asking for prayer requests and one girl said her friend was suicidal. So I got the whole class to lay hands on her and I was praying for her but she was walking around and I wasn’t sure if it was because she was trying to get away from me. Then my youth pastor came in and started playing worship music.

I dream I was cooking for a group of people ( like a family gathering) in the country but there was no fire so I went to my grandfather house(my mother father) and there was fire to cook I notice there was no soup in the pot so I add more water just as the food about to cook my aunt give me some chicken noodle to put in the soul. Went back to check the pot and the bottom of the pot fell out put the food was still in the pot so I fixture the pot nod continue to cook. I then realised the bottom fell out again. My grandfather said to me you should have change the pot in the first place. I then pour the food in a bother pot to take to the rest of the family. My other grandfather ( my father dad who look like my father not sure if it was my father or is dad was there and I told him to come with me because my grand children are there and he haven't seen them before and I will take him back as he is trading in the morning. I was very disappointed about the soup but I think the group old still eat the food. But I though I couldn't have given the food to my grandchildren as I was not good enough and I awoke from the dream. ( my grandfathering my father side died 25.years age and my other grandfather died about 22 years ago)

In the dream, I was watching a scene from the movie Spawn where the Violator clown tells Spawn he will come back when Spawn's armor hardens and all but things were a little different in the scene. When the clown stopped next to the garbage can and opens the pizza box, instead of maggots being on the pizza, there were long, thin, stringy worms on the pizza. He says the same bit he said in the movie about hating anchovies and he grabs a slice of the worm pizza and takes a bite and there was a loud crunching sound and the worms screeched and he walks off talking about how it tastes so good he would kick himself (in the movie he said it tastes so good he could kick some puppies) and then of course Spawn trashes the area and talks about getting his hands on Wynn and leaves. Suddenly, everything turned dark for a second, except showing both Spawn's head and the clown's head facing each other with their mouths open as if they were shouting. At the same time, two beams of energy emitted from their mouths and collided (Spawn's energy beam was green while the clown's was blue) and the combined color of the energy shot straight up into the sky and formed a large energy ball. A weird, female computer-ish voice spoke up saying "in a few days, two forces will unleash a power so great that the world has ever seen. During this event, there will be no rejoice, no wedding, no tears of joy. Out of the chaos will arise a figure, which people all over the world will great as a long lost friend. Those that don't are quickly rounded up and executed without warning. Though many are executed, resistance still continues throughout the world." and that's all I heard. During this "prophetic speech" images show of people in turmoil before a figure with its face hidden appears above a large crowd and many began to smile and everything. Those that weren't were indeed gathered up and executed but the only thing I saw them do is put large groups of people onto one big boat and then sink it with all of them on-board. Around when the voice spoke of resistance, a large white rabbit with red eyes was running along a snowy bank next to what I am guessing is the ocean and it appeared to be morning but has a borealis effect going on. The rabbit was chased by a couple of people on horseback around a corner. The rabbit then stopped and looked at them before a group of people popped out from behind cover and fired at the horsemen (whether it was guns or arrows, I don't know nor could I tell which was resistance and which was the loyalists) and then I woke up.

I dreamt I was in Yosemite and I was with Caleb and Callie and other people and we were swimming. And I climbed the rocks and jumped over the waterfall. I was in a house with a lot of people and I got up to use the bathroom and someone whispered hello and I got scared. Then the next morning I told everyone and they heard it too. Then I was in a classroom and I kept seeing a back figure and it was trying to kill me and my sister. It came out and I attacked it but it wouldn’t die. Our teacher also lit us on fire but we didn’t get burned. Then they turned the lights off on us while there was a dance going on.

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