I had a dream back when my son was first born he couldn't been more than 6 months old... I was getting a ride from a guy from the local store and there was a little girl sitting in the middle of the back seat and then there was also a little boy in the back seat in a car seat and they were both starring out the window as we were pulling out of the driveway... I realize I had forgot my wic form so we pulled into the neighbor's driveway I got out the car and walked up to our house.. at this time we live in a court our house was white and it had a screen door.. as I open the door my old est son is sitting on the floor he has to be about 12 maybe 13 in my dream he sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons but crying when I was going to the store I guess I was leaving him home by himself and there was a man in the house with him the man was hiding behind the couch he came in through the back door just then feeling of fear came over me like something might have happened to my son ( I always had a fear of my children being molested) it was that kind of fear. then all of a sudden there were cows in my living room just grazing eating grass Fat brown cows.. I've never for gotten that dream my son is 11 now and i have a girl who is 7 an a lil boy who just turned 1. I can't shake the dream I'm reminded of it every day can you help me understand please May 02, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Me and a celebrity called Harry Styles are lunching in the cafeteria of a school. The celebrity and I are dating. Everyone is eating except for me and than out of the sudden this boy I don't know looks at me as if he is going to kill me. This boy has dark-blond hair. Next to this boy is someone I do know.. This someone is also a boy who molested me 4 years ago. He too is looking at me as if he is going to kill me. I tell my boyfriend (Harry Styles) about the molestation. He gets angry and walks away. I follow him, but eventually lose him in some sort of crowed of school kids. While I am loosing my boyfriend (Harry Styles) I hear his thoughts go "I should not walk so slow she (me) can't keep up with me." Than I walk in a classroom looking for my boyfriend (Harry Styles) when I see my old maths tutor. I am lost and still looking for my boyfriend (Harry styles) everyone is making maths sums. At this point the first boy I described walks in the classroom. I admittedly feel intimidating by him. I grab a pointy twig that is standing next to a fishbowl. I walk up to him and he shows my his twig who has a pointier point. This is when I get scared. In a flash back I learn why the boys are trying to kill me. They were both send to a camp for children with problems, the camp was terrible. The flashback showed me dirty places and dirty food they had to eat. I now understood that I was the reason that the second boy who molested me was send there. I reported the molestation to the police and he was send there. I somehow manage to escape from him leaving my old maths tutor alone with him. I am now still looking for my boyfriend (Harry Styles), but I still can't find him. I walk down the stairs into a dark area. The place is completely filled with lockers and there is a door that leads to another classroom. The light goes on and a blind that covers the doors window rolls upwards. I now see the second boy. He has black colored hair, he also has a dark skin tone. The boy opens the door and walks towards me with something that looks like an knife. And than it looks like he is stabbing me, but everything gets dark and I wake up. April 30, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with my friends and some were trying to moles me . i was eating chicken . July 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that my god father came back to life and tried to molest me and when I ran he started chasing me June 12, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My niece and nephew were missing and when I finally found them, my niece was missing her pants and my nephew said that "the bad man" hurt him. In my dream, I knew that they had been sexually molested and/or abused. August 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis