I woke up in the middle of a desert and saw what looked like a Walmart in the distance. I went inside and found I was welcomed to some music from 2014 over the PA system; everything was pretty much the same, except everything was free. I went to the electronics aisle and found a shelf stock with my favorite candies and snacks. When I got to the Movie aisle, I found the shelves stocked with Blu-rays and DVDs of all my memories, from my first words to new releases like my graduating high school and my first year of college to some not-so-great ones like me being mischievous or breaking a rule. I went into another section of the DVD aisle titled "Imaginations," Which had shelves stocked with many thoughts I've had over the years. Whenever I opened the DVD case, I didn't just watch the memory, But I relived it. It wasn't precisely revenant to the memory, But I had extra confidence and didn't have a worry in the world. I could return to any memory and eat all my favorite foods. November 04, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I was watching flowers in some kind of open room which was uknown for me. There was few strangers. Then, older lady with long gray hair came and she was also looking flowers. But then, she suddenly stabed me with knight in ribs. I try to call for help but she huged me and stab knight even deeper in my ribs and I was like paralised or something like that. I try to call those strangers for help, but they left and she was hugging me. Then, I ask her will she kill me, and she said no. Then, I asked will she torture me and she told me that she will cut my arms, legs and then head, but I wont feel any pain. April 24, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I am going to college by auto there are two people are talking to me and they give me one paper in the there is something written in it and when I entered class i realized my college bag is in the auto and then I entered I saw the my bag was there and one man came near to me read the paper he is look like teacher and he white shirt April 18, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt of mopane worms we were harvesting them and some were on my legs,I am pregnant March 20, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in foreign country with my dad, we were going to change the currency that we have to the available one and the place was in a college March 25, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in foreign country with my dad, we were going to change the currency that we have to the available one and the place was in a college and i theft a product in a shop and then i realized its wrong so i am giving back the money March 25, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis