A friend and i are hanging out and all the sudden im in love with him April 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in love with a vampire and became a vampire but was trapped August 24, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
The dream was about my new friend Presley. We were in some sort of restaurant and they served us snails. He ate a small snail and I was given a really huge snail. I tried to eat it before I realized it was a snail and then I stopped because I was disgusted. After that we went outside and I was apparently about to go home to get ready for a trip and Presley had something come up right at that moment and had to leave right away. Then I was upset because I wanted to say goodbye to him properly and he saw me and told me don't worry this will make fall more in love with each other. July 24, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
On vacation, two men were in love with me, I only liked one but lead the other on. Ran away, in car with friend, driving wrong way on a one way street July 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Based in roman times. Sultan rydell went to war to obtain a country. He won and was awarded with a powerful princess, franchesca. He drains her powers and makes her helpless and turns her into a sex slave to keep royal bloodlines. Rydell takes her powers and becomes the most powerful man alive. The royal males that franchesca bears are turned into peasant slave drivers and the royal females are turned into castle keepers. Franchesca is not allowed personal relations. Franchesca fell in love with a peasant named jacob and she bore a child. Master rydell found out and had the child murdered. Her punishment was forced marriage to two royals. She is kept under watch all day every day. Rydells ally is joeseph, franchescas brother. Franchesca despises her brother because he runs his country much like rydell does. He came to visit one day and his country got invaded by queen dahlia from another country. Queen dahlia wants good, and wants franchesca freed from her bonds of slavery so she can have her country back. Dahlia has a limited army, but invades joesephs country. Rydell finds out and builds an army to capture her. He captures her and tortures her or makes her watch torture. Franchesca begs for mercy and pardon but everytime she does she gets beaten into obedience for not acting like a slave should. Prince caspian is dahlias son, he was cast off to gain more powers to try to defeat rydell but no one has heard back from him. Franchesca is defeated and can only watch her country fall to ruins against a most powerful dictator that she is forced to worship. If she runs someone near to her will get tortured while she watches in dispair and helplessness January 30, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a competition about beauty and talent and i won then the guy who picked me had black short hair and a beard with beautiful eyes and face then he told me to sleep that we have a big week ahead of us so i lay down and he told me he didnt pick me for no reason i am beautiful and talented and i fell in love with you on the minute i saw you then i ask if i can visit my cousin he came to support me in all of this and he said sure so i went and my cousin was upset and i kept asking him why and he wont tell me we were running around downtown where people noticed me on tv and stopped me and said why am i not with the guy and i caught up to him and he said i dont need a contest to clarify the things i already am. August 03, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
The guy I'm in love with was really sweet to me and another girl liked him but he payed her no attention, he kept ignoring her and focusing on me , he laughed hard when I laughed, he guided me when we walked with his arms holding my waist and than he gently pushed my front side up against the wall and we we just stood there for a minute and I had the strongest butterflies I've ever felt because this is the first time I'd felt intimate contact with a person I actually liked, despite it being a dream April 13, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis