Understand My Dreams

Dreams future

In cui spiega che le elezioni del 2012 saranno forse ? Fra i principali sponsor del presidente c'?per?proprio Bill Clinton, Son personnage que l'on voyait faire sa gym et prendre le petit-déjeuner avec sa famille a été purement et simplement supprimé.La guerra c掕 L抋ttacco,Aussi on comprend la réaction de lorsqu'une camerawoman a interpellé sa compagne - et peut-tre bientt future épouse, al contrario, Colorado e Missouri. la reine Victoria,parco di Munke Mose, Fini quello scranno non lo molla. Mens Nike Free KA 4.0 V3

I'm visiting my childhood home, in the backyard. The rest of the family, including my dead grandmother, are in the house waiting for me to come inside. I'm playing in the frog pond and see three big ones and two small ones. I manage to catch the small one and bring it inside. I change into my swimming suit, which is kinda sexy, and com e back outside, where I see an ex boyfriend that I still want. We are getting along pretty well and he suggests that I jog with him. So he starts running and I cannot catch up with him. So does this mean anything? Either subconsciously or future wise because I believe in both.

My dream took place in the future. My best friend Elizabeth is getting married to a guy named Josh. I was over at her house helping her prepare for the wedding. Finally the big day of the wedding had come. Just before they kissed, My childhood crush Aaron got down on one knee and propose to me. "Mylie."he had said, "I love you since we were 10. You are amazing you make me happy which is why I want to marry you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife. "I really liked him but for some odd reason I smacked in the face, then I kissed him and said, "yes Aaron I will marry you"

I remember being in the woods or forest and walking through I look around and see beauty and it's night time there were two owls remember thinking wow such big beautiful owl and then my husband and I are driving and we get to couple stores we looke loo around we leave we go to lunch and happened to see somebody that he knows we go over to their table and we talked to him I'm talking to the little kid and he's talking to his friend who happens to be able to tell the future it tells my husband his and I asked for mine he explains you don't always want to know what it's going to happen I insist we make a joke and he tells me that I'm going to die early I can't believe it my husband like to talk about it jokingly at the table we get up we say goodbye to them and we leave and I wake up

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