My uncle saved me from accidentally falling off a cliff but died saving my life.
Falling childhood home fires and uranus
A lot of satellites falling down from the sky
Dream about baby falling down the stairs and dislocating shoulder
I remember recently I had a dream about going to McDonalds and for some reason I was riding on my bike and bringing the food back to my house but a person passed me and I was embarrassed that my Mcdonalds was falling off my bike. I woke up right after
I was leading a herd of chickens(maybe some duck) to shelter from the rain when suddenly two capybara wearing a safety vest & helmet speed ahead of everyone. One of them climbed a later and fell because they were moving to fast. It got up keep trying to climb the ladder and kept falling down, so I started to catch it when it fell down and it started to lick my cheek.
My uncle dies saving me from falling off a cliff
Flying over cliffs were waterfalls with falling and realising I’m a bird because I can see my wings flying exhilaration
I dreamt of being at a family picnic and there was a high cliff and I’ve always had a fascination of jumping over a cliff and on this day I felt everything was right with my family and I could finally let go and let myself fall off the cliff I felt it was exhilarating at first and then I panicked realised I was actually falling and the last image I saw before I woke up with a picture of my two daughters
Gravity reversing and everything/everyone started falling upwards