I saw my mother dying in a dream and also saw that she had given birth to another daughter. December 27, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm playing a game where we have to find weapons and chase each other and kill each other. I'm never scared of dying, just know I need to win. I always go into my grandma's closet to grab the same weapon, a rounded knife with holes and a red handle. I always call it a machete but it's not. February 05, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Seeing a concert and dying and coming back as a demon to kill others January 13, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a small white mouse that had it's left eye taken out and dying. An older couple also had a small white mouse with it's left eye out and dying. Thy dying mice would be put in a cabinet with a clear door like the freezers in stores and you would leave after dropping it off. December 12, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I have been having similar dreams the past week I am 6 1/2 months pregnant if it helps but my dreams have all involved me getting hurt the first one I remember is a dog bit me on the forearm but he only had half of his teeth and one canine the next one I don't remember well but it involved my dog getting lost or dying. Then the third one I got shot 3 times in the back of the head but it didn't kill me even though it was through my skull and bleeding a lot and when I was on the operation the operating table to see if they could save me it seemed like my significant other didn't care that much when in real life he'd be freaking out , the last one I remember was my mother stabbing a thick syringe into my left breast right into the nipple and pulling out a syringe full of the fluids in there and not even caring. If someone could help me understand why I'm having these it would be very helpful November 09, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I am pregnant and had a dream that I am having a boy but it was dying inside my womb and would be stillborn October 28, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream: I’m locked in a house for a contamination (Thomas house ) I go outside and see many caution signs and a lake where people seem to get sick so I leave running off the lake and all the people that went into the lake got sick. The people who got sick the government kills. So I try avoid getting sick as well as my mom. I see Thomas studying with a girl and he says it’s her cousin and cheats on me and I leave February 15, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis