Understand My Dreams

Dreams darkness

I was at work, it was nighttime so i then the lights went out. I opened the door to let light in. As i opened door, it was pure darkness, no lights from cars, no streetlights, no moonlight, no moon. Total darkness. I couldnt see my hand infront of me, i could hear people about, but faint sounds. There was no wind, sound or noise whatsoever. I panicked and said "oh my god, my son"! (Who is 23) And then i said "my girls, (i have 3 puppies)are home alone, in the dark left to fend for themselves.

In my dream, my house and my school were haunted. There was no lighting and it was night time. I was being chased by a murderer the entire dream. I wanted to leave our house, but my parents wouldn't listen to me. We would leave briefly and always return, even though the house was haunted by ghosts and there was a murderer after me. We would either drive and sleep in our car a couple blocks away or we camped out in our neighbors yard. In my school, we had to get to the other side of the school for some unknown reason, but we couldn't get there. I was stuck with a group of people, freaking out, in complete darkness. It was like a horror movie. The entire time I had a mission, but I don't know what it was.

My husband and I bought an old house at a marina and we were cleaning it out to start remodeling. That night I let my dogs out in our backyard and one of them wouldn't come back. She was just beyond the edge of the yard and kept barking so I went to get her and saw a lot of large dead birds on the ground. Then a rabid black wolf comes out of the darkness so I climbed up the slide on an old swing set. The wolf circled around us before grabbing a bird and leaving. When I ran the wolf chased us to an old mans house. I went in and got his shotgun to kill the wolf but woke up as I opened the back door to go outside and kill it.

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