I was put in a home for suicidal people and i was to share room with three other girls. I was crying going in and a fat man with a cloak wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. He lead me in and I sat down with one of the other girls. she was fat to, but she wrapped her arm around me and i told her how many times i tried suicide. the fat man tried to listen in but i told him to go away. There was also a secetary behind a desk in every room. when i went out to the hall in the home it was like an indoor street. There was four gaurds in the hall. Two men and two women. One women had curly long brown hair and the other short blonde hair. The men looked like male versions. Me and one of my friends were trying to escape by pressing a red button. but it was under a wire. the gaurds only cared if we got out, not for trying. But the door did open. I ran out. my friend got cought. I ran down the carrador. The women with the brown hair cought me and in a blink i was back in my room. I refused to come out so they had to bring my dinner in to me. I was with the secertary and the fat man with the cloak. The man and women with the blonde hair came in and asked me to get out. I said no and they asked want a bet. They grabbed one of my arms each and dragged me outside to the hall and locked my bedroom door behind me. later that day we wer in school. i was so bored i started wobbling and i was sent outside for bad behavior. weird.. June 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
At home people where sent to hurt me but where unsuccsessfull the two men arrived to protect me then I could smell smoke and looked out the window there was a large group of people out side my home who had lit the house on fire I called the 999 and explained what was happening and that I couldn't get out the house then a lady showed up in my house I told her to look out the window at all the people outside she looked and said turn the lights off close the curtains the smoke was coming in the house by this point she coughed and said come out the room I have a virus remember May 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream my nephew was wayching my baby girl and when cough she was coverd with her stool face and all over May 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
People around me were coughing up blood and i was with my mum and wanted to keep her and myself safe, everybody started turning into zombies and eventually i did, i ran but everybody was running down lots and lots of stairs and all getting caught up. there was someone drawing a picture of a helicopter crashing and falling through the sky and everbody was queing to use toilets which were little oven type doors in the wall. May 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
This morning at 5a.m. i could hear the voice of my mother in my own home in her clear voice coughing May 07, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream my baby girl cough and when she do so she was coverd with her own shit all over her and her face May 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt at 5 a.m. this morning while i was wide awake a clear voice of her coughing May 07, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Early this morning I, her son, dreamt that she was the same weak and feeble as when she died, my Dad was looking at her crying. When I woke up and while I was wide awake I could hear her coughing the same way as she did in her last days May 07, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis