It was the Valentine's Dance and my bully walks up to me and asks me to dance. Then my gay friend asks me to dance. Then one of my best friends asks me to dance. Then they all ask me out. Then they all propose and I choose my best friend.
My best friend proposed to me
I had a dream my girlfriend was sleep naked and one of my best friends room is pants off and tried to get in the cover with her I tried to get in the cover too but he kept saying no until he asked her for a kiss that’s when I realized it was my girlfriend
I was this girl who liked her best friend and there were events in our life that would intensify my feelings, it was cute. Then I made a paper crane with him and suddenly we flashed forward in time and I was dead. Each year after I died my best friend would make a box full of paper cranes and leave them at my grave
I marry my best friend
My best friend and I went out to lunch where my crush works and we ran into him, he was working, he then sat down with us and him and my best friend just kept talking to eachother and ignored my presence and did not even talk to me, I then went to the bathroom to get away and when I came back I caught them making out and I was crying and everything.
Male Best friend purposely breaks my heart
So I was by an ocean and emery came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders but his hands were sweaty so i told him to take his hands of of me and then he was like Kaeli u know how i feel about u . Then we were getting on a bus to the ocean but emery wasn't on it and i was looking for my best friend Alex to tell her what happened and but I could see her in a line outside the bus but she didn't see me so i tried to get off but the bus left already then we came to a like beach but like where u put in boats at the boat ramp thing and we went in the water and picked gross stuff out of the water and then chase came up to me and said emery is going to ask u out .
Dreams about I was with my best friend and a man with a beard at a bowling alley, I watched her get kidnapped and taken away in a black shiny car
Being pregnant along with a cousin and my best friend