Understand My Dreams

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I'm lying on my back and carving designs into the rafters in the attic. A woman (wife but not my wife) and starts complaining about how much time I spend working on the house and not her. She gets down on her knees to see what I'm doing and I stab her in her ear with a pencil. The ear cartilage. She grabs her ear and starts screaming. Rats come out and attack her. I stand up and walk out of the room. I'm now in a very small room with a table, phone book, and phone on the table. I exit that room and I'm at the top of a big and wide spiral staircase. All the walls are wood paneling and I have carved designs in every inch of the wood. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see some lady I don't want to talk with sitting on my couch looking out the back windows of the living room. Behind her and the couch are a row of exotic animals, 2 lions, a gorilla, and a couple of tigers all in cages with steel bars and bulletproof glass. I climb up on top of the cages and open the gate to the two lions. They come out and attack the lady sitting on the couch. I then exit the front of the house and when I look up at the house, I realize it is actually a castle that I built by hand. I climb up the outside walls and through a window of the room with the table, phone book, and phone. I call for my driver to come to pick me up at the hardware store. When I hang up, I set the phone book on the floor and set it on fire.

My dream had a scary or ominous feeling. In the dream I was losing my voice so I couldn’t really speak often. my husband and i had a miscarriage and my parents found this weird door that lead under the house after I had said something about the room giving me the creeps and something was off about it. Well after we had moved from that room my husband started acting distant and weird after losing a baby, well the room the nursery was going to be started having weird things happen to it and same things, my dad moved a bunch of stuff and discovered a weird door leading under the house. So he moved everything from it and opened it to figure out what it was for, etc. well while he and my mom were looking at something this creepy kid or something came out and started attacking me or basically killing me but I could barely talk because I was losing my voice so I was saying help over and over again trying to push my voice out, then i woke up still saying help.

I had a dream I can remember which is a rare thing. It had death in it which seldom happens in my dreams. In the dream – I sensed my dream had reference to another dream I had, but I do not remember that dream. In that other dream, like in movies, my body was clothed and in bad shape so we decide to change the body. And with some sort of magic technology, I get my face and everything back. This time, my old body is sent back to me in a plastic coffin with a USA flag on it. At first, I was surprised and sound drama. They were bringing it back to me. I said to them “I don't know what to do with it guys”. They replied "It's yours...." I instantly felt distant to the situation. I already have my new body now but I knew the dead body is mine. I did not care what was happening. I asked to open the box that now is a plastic coffin. It was warm inside it. I saw my old body. My face was pretty so I barely recognized myself. My legs were very very fine. "Yes they do good work!!! Looks so nice!" Then it was time to take the body, so we (the people bring the body and I) placed it somewhere. But even more strange, the body started to get into the position of a cat and sleep. And it was very soft, like a cat... "Yes it sleeps a lot"

I dreamt that there was a man in a black gimp suit who would control the brains of people while they were asleep in a victorian hotel unless they were dreaming about the red suit gimp. We were told the we had to evacuate the hotel and my friend grabbed some of my belongings and met me in a wal-mart esc parking lot, while my dad was inside grabbing the rest of my stuff. But he stopped for barbeque in the kitchen and the black suit gimp took over him. And then the hotel caught on fire.

I remember a little bit of a nightmare the reoccurred only twice (I’ve only ever had it twice, wasn’t sure how reoccured would be used here). The only little bits I remember are that I was with all my cousins on my mom’s side and that it took place in a haunted house. I remember walking across this hallway but the view had zoomed out and I could see through the wall. While the view was zoomed out I could see two massive dog heads barking (like a cerberus type thing) over top of the house. Then we climbed up a rope ladder (like the ones in the FMS swimming pool) and arrived in a massive room. In the far corner of the room was a pyramid type thing made of wood. The pyramid was much closer to a Aztec on then a Egyptian one in design. Then I remember turning around hearing a scream and something coming out of the trap door. It had a similar color to the creatures from the moon in Destiny 2 (oddly I’d not played the game at this point yet, barely knew it existed)

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