I saw an Asian man wanting to kill the peoe In the hotel room next to mjne March 29, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My dad passed away 4 years ago from cancer. He was more than my best friend and I have struggled with it to this day. I had always wished my dad could come to me in a dream but never did. Until last night. I passed him in a hallway and even though I knew he wasn't real I ran to him, held him close, when I looked at his face there he was looking back. Then slowly his face changed into someone else. I am Caucasian and so was my dad but the person he turned into was a black male I had never seen before. I live in a small community and I have only actually met 3 or 4 black people in my life. The man then got angry for hugging him and thinking he was my dad then chased me. I woke up moments later... February 18, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I walked down the street and i saw a lady from school which i just came from school. I was trying to help her and a police officer. There was a pole with asian writing on it and when people walked by it they hypnotized. The people got into other peoples houses by getting in the windows and doors. November 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was walking out of school with my friends and after i was down the street my friends left. i saw an officer with a old lady. they were talking about some weird asian writing on a street pole. the writing would make the pole have power to hypnotize people when they walk past it. then the people walked into other peoples houses. but all they did was walk around. November 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
A little Asian man punched me in the face when I went drunk running and drop my black BMW keys. November 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
A little Asian map punched me in the face when I went drunk running and dropped my black BMW keys in the gutter November 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I woke up from a nightmare i killed two asian girls that tried to gang up on me over a guy i don\'t even know i guess i was being setup on a blinddate and they came to my house to meet me make sure i wasn\'t crazy and to threaten me to stay away from their friend i\'m like what the *****? i don\'t even know dude i aint even met him yet anyway it started out 4 on one and they were going off on me and i don\'t know what i did but next thing i know i had one being carried out limp bodied and after countless minutes of fighting n throwing blows i snapped one girls neck and the other one tried to stab me but as she stepped up to me somehow my mama appeared behind her grabbed the blade and stabbed her with it & the last girl ran off November 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream about my wedding where the make up artist didn't budget time to do my make-up so i had to go across the street to a YMCA that was celerating some Korean food festival to get make up done. I didn't have a dress to change into and I didn't remember the ceremony moments after it took place. when i finally found my dress, i was transported to this weird house where my fiance's mob leading uncle was carrying a corpse out of the front door. Since I saw them, they decided I was a liability and sent my fiance's crazy asian grandma to kill me November 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis