Understand My Dreams

Dreams america

I'm at the bank talking to the bank teller which happened to be a lady from my job,all these boys from the neighborhood gang are there.I leave my cars being blocked in by one of them that I've met before. I beep he moves.i try to lock my car doors but they wouldnt lock so I speed off and park my car and start riding my bike by this place I know.a car pulls up on the side of another car.shoots the people in the car.gets out of his car walks up to them and shoots then lays a white sheet on the ground and sticks a american flag in it.

I dreamt I was at a hospital visiting someone, but I don't know who it was. I went outside in the back of the hospital to get some air and sat on a bench. It was kind of a wooded area. There was an African American mad sitting on a table holding his newborn baby that his wife had just had. It was a girl. He told me to watch what he was about to do and that if I tell anyone he will kill me and he buried his newborn in a deep hole in the ground. I was so scared. I left. I went home and called 911 and told them what had happened. When they sent police to go dig up the hole, there was in fact a dead baby, however the medical examiner said the baby had been dead in that hole for 23 years. So was it a ghost who told me? Was it a sign? Either way something told me to call and have them check and they found this missing baby after 23 years.

I looked out my window and suddenly i was walking down into a pasture and then i found out i was supposed to be working on a case about a cat,one particularly weird cat. I found myself at a tree where under it was an old man crying,the old man had a white long sleeved shirt on but was dirty from dirt on it and a pair of dirty old overhauls on over the shirt, he said he had an old cat named saidy ,apparently saidy had been “killed” so to speak. The old man told me that saidy was over there,and there she was laying in the pasture her body was scattered all over that particular area.The old cat was dismembered and was burnt,she looked like she had been burned and then dismembered but what bothered me was not the fact that the cat looked that way but that somebody would do something like that. The old man told me that it was a dark colored man wearing a green shirt and camouflage pants.By this disription i figured it was a african american the old man also told me he was about 6 ft probably so i’m guessing he was around his 30s,i still could not figure out what a guy like that would want with this old guy,but later on that morning i figued out the aparently i was a cat whisper? i guess,but anyhow they wanted to see if i could read the cat’s “death” i guess in other words ask the cat’s dead body how it died. So me and the old man went into the barn and he gave me her head,her head had been severely burnt and one of her eyes were missing her head was of course dismembered from her body and it was a little flakey, but never the less because she was tortured when she died her soul was still around so i asked her how she died and immediately an image of a cat popped up in my head running around in fire trying to escape and thats it i woke up!

Bad police surround my lover in a public park. At first, I am helpless. I wait with a sympathetic park security guard, along with my infant daughter. When I hear shots fired, I know he is dead. But then I change my dream. I leave the baby with the guard with instructions in case I don't return. I go with a knife.I am a Native American. I hunt. I kill the bad guys and save my lover. Then, we are doing al these things to escape to Mexico. We throw away our cellphones. We get all the money we can. We switch licence plates several times. We throw the knife and guns and other evidence in the river. We are using an obscure route to drive on. Once we get there, we go to live on the coast. Very worried about how we will make money to live off of.

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