Understand My Dreams

Dreams afraid

I came into this place that looked like stairs everywhere made out of boxes they were yellow boxes positioned that it made it look difficult to move around. I was trying to go down to get out but as I was stepping down it felt as if I was at the edge of a cliff and I felt there was nothing for me to step down to that I would fall off and possibly kill myself. I started looking for a way out. I saw these musicians come in. I remember seeing a clarinet and people started leaving. I was afraid I would be stuk there with no way out. I notied the way people started leaving and I followed their path and got out. I met some one from church who offered me a ride. I notied the road was winding and looked difficult to get through. there were road bloks but the driver found a way out.. the at drven was an old model car like in the 1920's.

Last night I've dreamed that I was in my grandparents house (they are dead now. they were my father's parents). it was almost night in the dream. at the moment in that house nobody lives, but in my dream I had the feeling that there are so many people... like in my childhood when I used to visit.At some point in the dream, my dead grandmother showed up. she didn't speak or look at me. she was just passed by. she was inside the house. i was looking at her. I wasn't afraid, but I was so surprised to see her again so healthy and on her feet instead of very sick with one misseing leg like she was before death. she was walking slowly, very careful but with dignity. in my dream she was looking very well and I had a feeling of admiration. after, i dont remember what happened but I was in another part of the house, staying at the door, looking outside, with a fear feeling. in front of me were wood fences . to the left a man silhouette (I couldn't see who he was...maybe my father) and to the right an animal.. I thought it was a small bear, or a dog looking as a bear). they were separated by fences. each had a door with locker. In the dream I was afraid of that open locker... I could see the big lock, full of rust..open. in the dream I was thinking that we must close that locker but at the same time I didn't move. I dont remember the rest of the dream.. but I remember changing the plan. I was back in Uk, from Romania (my grandparents house) with my actual boyfriend ... trying to manage some furniture in a very tiny space...our new home in my dream. I remember also a woman. I didn;t see her. I knew she was very young and somehow connected with my boyfriend . she was kind of a menthor to him. what all these could mean?

Can you please translate my dream/nightmare? Please... I really need to know. I'm scared So here is my dream... I dream that... our family was walking in the middle of the night around in the streets then i had this bad feeling, while walking my grandfather said that the place where we are currently passing is known to be hunted but my twin sister and I didnt really paid much attention so we just play and fool around the streets. Cars started running down the streets fast I dont really know where it came from! My twin sister and I can't pass the streets so I hid down but my twin sister was eager so she ran off leaving me behind and I dont wanna be alone in there so i followed what she did,after that me and my sis smiled under a big tree...we were going home my mom,me and older sis... my twin sister and grandfather went home first so i was expecting my twin sister will wait for me at our room to chitchat but she didn't; instead she was at the living sitting in the floor slouching, she starred at me like she was angry but she isn't! She was possesed by something evil...She Grabbed a scissor so I ran off cuz Im really scared then my twin sister who is possesed was grinning; luckily, I found a knife and a scissor! Still...I cant kill my twin... She slit down my throat using her scissors and said "Do you really think I'm joking? F---! Your Dead!" Blood everywhere My mom was crying so as my older sister but my twin is still possesed, My eyes were closing and the onlything that Im thinking is people who needs to be happy---That is the end of my dream.I can remember each details because I just had it and Right now its 3 in the morning. I waked up cuz of my dream...to tell you I'm really scared of sharp things and I'm also afraid of Evil Possesions :( I wish you can translate my dream/nightmare. Thankyou

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