Understand My Dreams

Dreams visit

Marlene an old childhood friend came to visit. For some reason though, I was ignored by all of them, even Marlene who came to visit me. At some point my parents had to kill about four people, so they did. And I was just standing around going "Do I call the police or?" - Marlene took me out to the woods while my parents where digging graves and we found a huge hole in the ground. We went down it to discover stairs and a animalish family (I think they were rats? wut) We went back up and that was when I had to go to my old school for some graduation thing, I went there but was still ignored by everyone and I was still wondering wether I should call the police. I tried talking to some of the people but I was scoffed at mostly so I sat on the staircase waiting for the whole graduation thing to begin, an elderly overweight woman looked at me and began singing a familiar tune while is walked away. I got up and went to the graduation, sat at one of the tables alone, like people where three seats away from me from all angles.

I was visiting a large mansion with a friend. But the two friends were having sex. The cast of Gosford Park came by and the were the rest of my friends but had the ability turn into animals. One of my friends turned into a bird. Another old friend from high school came as well. Animals seemed to haunt the mansion and a large whale flew through the air. My old friend from high school took me to Burger King to eat dinner in between rehearsals. We were there for work as I had just been cast in the tour of Mamma Mia.

I was in a gym and I was dressed as a Navy sailor and we were in costumes and we had to put on a show for people who were visiting this historic haunted place that was my school in real life. Then I changed costumes and put on a i yellow outfit that had feathers and I tried to dance the best I could and I danced badly but everyone said I did good. Then I had to go to this part of the building that was the hospital and make coffee for people who were visiting their loved ones.

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