In my dream I have two girlfriend s with me in bed and we are just cuddling. And I have this warm feeling like I love both of them. I recognize one of them from real life although we only talked for a second. I am at peace March 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am a ghost and im on a wooden ship made of all dark wood then i apear on the shore next to the ship but i never see the accual ship from the outside, then i see a large man with all dark clothes on, the caption of the ship i assume. he is floating on an inch of water with some others and there is absolutly no ripples or anything, for as far as i can see on the clean rockey ocean. then he and i are on the shore and he places six small bricks on the sand forming a rectangle. then he tells me to sit, but i refuse and say anything is to heavy isnt it? he says yes because he taught others and himself to float on top of a very small amout of water and not sink. then i walk away and i apear in a house that look over the beach but when im in the house i cant see the ship or aything but as soon as im out i can see the ship and other ghosts. But then a family walkes into the house and with a boy and they are telling him that baby pictures of me are accually him and that he doesnt have a sister. then i grab a brush and start banging at the glass trying to show them that im there and the glass breakes but the act as if nothing is happening. then i am crying and yelling at them telling them im there but they dont see me and im crying and asking why, why would you tell him i never existed thats not Micky that me dont you understand. its not my real life family its just my family in my dream. then im out of the house and dark wood is all i can see as i wake up. March 02, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am dead and a ghost and im on a wooden ship made of all dark wood then i apear on the shore next to the ship but i never see the accual ship from the outside, then i see a large man with all dark clothes on, the caption of the ship i assume. he is floating on an inch of water with some others and there is absolutly no ripples or anything, for as far as i can see on the clean rockey ocean. then he and i are on the shore and he places six small bricks on the sand forming a rectangle. then he tells me to sit, but i refuse and say anything is to heavy isnt it? he says yes because he taught others and himself to float on top of a very small amout of water and not sink. then i walk away and i apear in a house that look over the beach but when im in the house i cant see the ship or aything but as soon as im out i can see the ship and other ghosts. But then a family walkes into the house and with a boy and they are telling him that baby pictures of me are accually him and that he doesnt have a sister. then i grab a brush and start banging at the glass trying to show them that im there and the glass breakes but the act as if nothing is happening. then i am crying and yelling at them telling them im there but they dont see me and im crying and asking why, why would you tell him i never existed thats not Micky that me dont you understand. its not my real life family its just my family in my dream. then im out of the house and dark wood is all i can see as i wake up. March 02, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about where I was walking around outside when I see the group of 4 guys. Once I see them I begin to run away but they end up catching me. In the dream they raped me. But the strange part is that in the dream I knew all of the guys. Then 2 days after I had this dream I met two of the guys in real life. February 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was getting food from a diner. I was sitting at a table and a baby crawled my way crying. I like kids so I attempted to pick the baby up. The guy across from me who I know in real life and is a black guy, signaled me not to mess with the baby. A guy sitting towards my right at a table accused me of doing something terrible to his little girl to make her cry. The guy is white. I ran away from him, he chased me. I got to my hotel room and tried to shut the door but he busted in like a mad white man. His demeanor scared me and I instantly assumed I was about to get raped. I fearfully backed onto the bed away from him. March 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about an art competition I'm having tomorrow, and I was so nervous during the competition and wasn't ready at all.. I ended up losing to a girl almost 2 years younger than me, even though in real life I'm the youngest participator in the competition. After losing, I sat alone for the rest of the day, slowly crying, and my crush walked up to me and asked me if all I do was art and if I'm good at writing.. I happen to be a good writer, so I said I was. We smiled at each other and the dream ended. March 02, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I can't give a location but i am with a couple of people i know who recently had their child and me and my girlfriend and with them during the labor for some reason, i don't know why, then at some point, i am never awear of any passage of time in my dreams, it turns out my girlfriend is also pregnant and in labor out on nowhere. my reaction from the dream is horror, i am terrified she is having a child, feeling geniune fear and horror at the idea, scared and unsure about being a parent given how i wouldn't be able to look after it, there is also a small moment of me saying that impossible becuase she has only bee pregnant for a few moths, she cannot be in labor( i am currently 18 and only in college education and she herself has been brooding for a child in reality for several months now, me always saying no and that we are not ready). then, in a instant, my friends had their child but disappear and even though i never saw it and wasn't there, apparantly the child my girlfriend had did not make it, i can not find her although i know she is mortified, someone approches me about it, says something i cannot remember what and i burst into tear, really feeling like i am crying, as i would in real life. then i wake up but i am not crying myself, just compleatly confused February 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
To see a long beard in your dream is representative of old age and insight, and wisdom. If you dream that you have a beard, but you do not have on in real life, then the dream means that you are trying to conceal your true feelings. You are being deceptive about some matter. Alternatively, the dream represents your individualistic attitude. You do not care what others think or say about you. If you are a woman and you dream of growing a beard signifies the masculine aspect of your personality. You want to be more assertive and wield more power. TOP February 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis