Dreamt buying fruits
In my dream me and my mom had gone to Kroger to buy groceries , when I got of the car my phone starts ringing. It was my ex. I answered and then he started asking me how I've been doing, stuff like that. But then I interrupted him and said I had to go. Something I would never do in real life.
My sister stole my idea for a tattoo so I slapped and scratched at her new tattoo. Then went to a tattoo parlor and realized I was not wearing a bra. Had to go buy one but had American money, then forgot about the tattoo and bought a smoothie.
In my dream i was getting married to someone who was a little weird. He was joking all the time and asked about my education. My marriage got fixed in a haste and i was supposed to get married in a day. I went shopping with my dad for my marriage but my dad rejected the wedding dress which i selected and which was really pretty and last i saw was that i was buying flowers for the ceremony.
Standing in line, someone buys everything that i want in front of me
My dead mom keeps visiting my aunt who is also her sister she tells me to help her wash the roasting pan but she is washiing the dishes outside while my dead mother sits and chats with me.than my aunt sits next to my uncle in the car frontseat as i go out to buy redwine for me my cousin is also with us.
I gave my boss my resignation letter and resigned from my job to start my own business. No replace could be found for me. My wife was buying me a new car worth 75000 and itt was not difficult. We had big offices for our company.
First being in a shoe shop with sale. Didnt like anything and then climbed stairs to see items left ftom sale. These were beautiful tried a blue sweater, didnt buy it some beautiful scarves were there and the Giving birth to beautiful twin baby boys. Then photographs taken and we three look extremely beautiful
Buying fruits
My lover buys me fours talking dolls. Two black female dolls and two male dolls