Understand My Dreams

Dreams visit

Okay. So I walked into my grandpa's house. He died recently in real life. and he always sat in the same chair when we came to visit. and when i walked inside I saw him, and I kept walking through the house. Then, suddenly i realized what I had just seen. I ran back into the room where I had seen him and he was standing waiting for me. I embraced him and I started crying. I was so happy to see him. then as i started to walk through the house with him, i stumbled upon my mom. I was so excited to tell her what I had discovered. Grandpa was alive again! or at least visiting us from heaven. but this part of the dream gets a little fuzzy- Somehow as I'm telling my mom about grandpa, grandpa turns into my dad. and we're talking about my dad. talking about how my dad and mom met and got married and what not. Then i woke up.

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