Dad turned into a rockstar doll and died in my hands from a black ghost in a friends house March 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
It doesnt matter what the rest of the dream is about, but i am always dreaming that i have a mouth full of rocks or ice, and no matter how much i spit them out they just keep coming out like it is never going to end. March 09, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
At work, an old Friend comes in and says hi. she has friends waiting outside. i got off work and she was standing jn front of a brick wall with sunglasses on. they were standing on rocks. she was finishing a cigarette and i wanted a 2nd employee sandwich so i got the biggest one despite the rules. when i opened it, it was an empty wrapper shell. Moving on, me and her started walking and couldn't keep a conversation or hold a smile. March 07, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed on do not fear rumors or accusations stand firm on the rock of righteousness March 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with my girlfriend 's children. I kicked over a rock and a diamondback rattlesnake starting slowly following us. And I shot it shot it i n the mouthe mouth with a shotgun. March 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Once was a normal day Then found a familiar face We did somethings together but i noticed he changed one of our friends to a leaf bear "Nario" and tried to get me killed from it However i took out my sword and killed it with rapid sword swings I then realized that what i did was wrong and then decided to go home because it was my birthday But he wouldnt let me go and then turned into a rock that said "where are you going" and i replied, " leave me alone i want to be with my family for my birthday" and swung my sword out of fustration and created sword cuts on the rock. The rock then turned back to being normal. Then i went back to my family who had a sort of picnic outside. My family seemed to be a pack of swordsmen as well. All my friends were there and then i suddenly look on the pavement and things turned black and white i noticed that nuerons turn white on the pavement from my friends footsteps, music cued in witheveryone footstep creating an ominous boom. I then heard whispers from the familiar face saying, "You could have just asked" and other phrases. I then said "does anyone see that pack of neurons?" My aunt said yes and swung it with her sword and heard the familiar face man fall across onto our front yard. Then i heard it again the familiar face picking itself up and walking grudingly towards me and i said the words, "kill it" and my aunt swung viciously to my thought killing it but woke up the minute after. March 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis