The old Sheriff was appointing 3 men to positions, I told him he couldn't do that, he said he was going to. They left and I told the Undersheriff what had happened. He gave me a $76,000.00 check and told me to get on a plane and leave because they were going to try to kill me. I got on a plane and flew somewhere. I ended up in a house and saw feet behind a doorway. I thought it was a killer and a woman I didn't know said it was and she had taken care of them. She said we had to leave. I was in a car driving with my husband and he said I had to be careful or they would kill me. August 13, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I had just found out I was pregnant but I was quite far gone than I knew, I started being sick alot and was not keeping anything down. I got rushed in to hospital and I either passed out or they knocked me out. Next I knew I had a scar I was having fluids so I guess I had a baby by c section but when I asked the nurses for the outcome they wouldn't tell me and told me off for wasting there time. They told me to remain sitted. Then I saw my husband being rushed off with an incubation. I got up and ran after them but couldn't catch up. I was starting to bleed from the scar. I found a reception but they said it was closing time so I screamed at them telling I think I have just had a baby and no one will tell me anything. I then found my husband and started screaming telling him he should of told me and where is my baby. He replies they would not let him in. So I ran through the double doors and bleeding again and ready to pass out I falsed myself in to the room to look for my baby however I was shocked to find loads of incubators with five in eac round and no matter how far I went up the aisle I could not reach the end July 26, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that my husband lose his job and gave it to someone he knows. August 28, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt my husband and his friend came to get me in the pouring rain August 18, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I was having an affair with another man not my husband August 11, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream my husband was with me getting a tattoo with the number 82 and then a saying above it for meaning to show love for me his wife August 04, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was laying in bed talking with my husband and i saw what looked like stars flashing in the sky and when i looked again they were bigger and brighter the as i looked around i saw Jesus walking with some other men and he sat down and began talking. There was what seemed to be a lot of red boiling waters but i could not feel tbe heat from it i actually felt cool and serene unaffraid but my dream changed to me telling one of my sisters to come go with me August 24, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis