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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 49

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

It was at night and my whole family was sleeping. In this dream, I had a sister, in real life I do not have a sister. During the night three men came into the house, they opened my sisters room and raped her. (I am female in real life) I felt as though i was a man in this dream. I remember, my mother telling me to run to the gray truck and get away. I drove as fast as i could, Then two of the guys chased me in their white truck with a 2 barreled riffle trying to shoot at me. It suddenly turned to a scene away from the house in a street i don't know but it was long. They were still chasing me and It was suddenly day time. I remember crashing the truck and feeling perfectly fine. I ran to my aunts house who was conviently close by, For some reason, i jumped her fence and went to the backyard, the fence was one of those picket white fences, with extremely healthy green grass and the sun was bright and everything looked calm and beautiful. I sat at my knees, and the two men stood behind me. I felt surrounded, but not in a bad way i told them something similar to " JUST DO IT ALREADY". They shot at a part of my back, I felt nothing. Then they shot at the right side of the crown of my head, everything looked fuzzy and muffled. I felt as though it was nothing. I then woke up with a shock, and a cold sensation on the spot they shot and "Killed me" in my dream. I was petrified for the rest of the timeLOL.

I have had the same type of dream since I was young. It starts with me waking up, in a bed that's not mine but still familiar. A man, his face obstructed, sleeps next to me. He is warm, I feel safe near him. He wakes up and suddenly I remember why we must hide our love. It's always a different reason. But the danger remains. I try to convince him to leave, I tell him I'm not worth his death. He dismisses my fears. However soon, another man, this one dark and cold kills my love in front of me. He offers me a choice, love me or die. I would rather die than be with him. He always kills me in a horrible and painful fashion. My death always has different excuse; witch, traitor, whore. I wake up feeling my wounds.

Family visiting old friends at there house staying for a while walk out of grochery store looking for my car many alike go to my volkswagen before being able to identify if its mine guy friend pulls me into car with other guys for a road trip leave car to make sure its mine drive away but i cant drive tell my parents an old friend of mine has anxiety issues so she goes to anxiety class i fell bad because i lied but i have anxiety so in a room with aquarium walls in a circle including the old friend her cousin and others during an anxiety class

Well, My dream begun with me on a trampoline. I was jumping on it alone. It was dark, the area only lit by moonlight. And I was just so gifted at doing aerobatics. I got a sense of acomplishment, a sense of acceptance, a sense of being well liked. I was charsmatic, smart, and so talented in many things. It was a perfect life, it was a perfect society. I remember the last moments of my dream. My mom was pulling out to go to work. I stopped her (this is where I get confused) I can't remember what I told her, but I just remember watching her leave. I was standing there and it was as if I was in a movie because I begun looking at myself in 3 person. It was like I was standing in my dream analyzing and figuring out everything about it. Then it was like a camera panning out for a wider shot. I didn't see my actual self anymore, I just saw me in my own dream, I saw we were living in my old childhood house. That was the end of the dream.

I am in a hallway, talking to a gay room mate, i make some joke at my expense, they ask me if i want to see their "man butt" then invite me into their room as they are decorating / interior design, they hang a long fabric of netting around the bedroom light and explain that it represents the people who died in the house, also gay, killed by the KKK while in the shower, the way the fabric cascades down and the lie shine thru looks a lot like water. i think to myself: try not to anger any of the spirits that live here. he then begins tying a golden sequined ribbon around the fabric and singing "revolutionary ribbon"

I had a dream that i have a newborn beautifull baby boy. I was holding it in my hands, it was looking directly in my eyes. I was wondering why it has big blonde hair, it also had blue eyes, eventhough me and my boyfriend for whom i was dreaming that is the father have black eyes.There was my mother who said why i didn't abort the baby when i knew my boyfriend doesn't want it, and then my boyfriend came into the room and wanted to take the baby , but i was not willing to give it to him, i had a feeling that everyone hates it except me, was very scared for it, and was holding it protecting it in my arms

Jingim from the Marco Polo show was outside of the bedroom window staring inside. I decided to close the window once I noticed. Marco (my boyfriend ) was explaining something to me, when I noticed a curtain rod piercing through the top crack of my bedroom door. When I opened the door, a white bald man was standing there timid and two of his accomplices ran away. I asked what he wanted and he came inside my room, walked right in front of me, looked me in the eye and said he wanted to rob me. I freaked out and asked why he would want to rob someone with nothing. He shamefully looked down without a word.

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