Dream of girlfriend going to jail
Cheating on girlfriend while in prison
I keep dreaming about my ex girlfriend every night. It's random things like us being together or hanging out
My dead sister holding my hand and talking to my grandmother and lots of people waiting and watching a big blue clear water and my ex and the girlfriend changing faces
I had a dream my girlfriend kissed someone else actually missed my friend in front of me. and after a week my girlfriend was from work and she said she's coming and shes ginna sleep over.She phone me at night 11 pm saying she's on her way back from work but she doesn't have transport she's using ubber.I waited for her then I decided to go out of my room at that time and waited for her outside,I saw a Ford fiestas packing outside my house and she kissed the guy as if it was a goodbye kiss in front of my parents house I just couldn't believe.She 22 I'm 26 and we dated for a year,whenever I go out with her she would flirt with guys thinking I don't see her and i endup fighting with friend thinking that want my girl.so I tried forgiving her but it's hard to love without trust I was becoming insecure.And after that she said she was previously sexual abuse and that affected her
What does it mean if you dream about your girlfriend killing herself
I had a dream my girlfriend kissed someone else in front of me and denied it
I keep dreaming about my ex girlfriend
Saw my girlfriend naked and I was angry at her
I had a dream my girlfriend kissed someone else in front of me cheating and denied it