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Dreams fall

Found 4,210 dreams containing fall - Page 49

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My dream had me going to a sky diving school several times. The meeting location was not at some small airport but an elaborate compound, with long corridors, stairs, court yards, like the Pentagon.I remember rushing through the compound each time trying to find a short cut, and i learned from prior trip to try different paths, all end up at the end through an upstair ramp or short staircase to reach the meeting destination. It is amazing how my brain works, the scenary were vivid and consistent. When I reached a certain spot it took me through familiar corridors. For example, if i decided to go through the gift shop this time it diretionally takes me to a common landing leading to the meeting place. It is like my brain pre-assembled the building and all the interior before I run through it. The sky diving itself was not spectacular. Yes at the end I did do a free fall like my instructor, for only a short time. So it was more about the journeys that took me there. Even though I tried different pathways learning from prior trips, it ended up taking about the same distance. My mental state was - I wasn't complaining but neither was I really enjoying the trips. It was more like rushing thought it each time. Why does this mean ? Thank you.

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