Today at 10am i saws a dream in which there were too many white and golden tigers and one pomerian dog they all were chasing me and trying to kill me or eat me but they unabled. then i saw people were feeding all of them with the pieces of meat August 06, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
A tiger broke into my home and chased my pet cat and I chased the tiger and could not catch them. August 02, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a house with a friend and she had a pet tiger. The tiger was very friendly and played with me. When we left, we got in a car and I was in the passenger side. When we started driving, I saw a kangaroo hopping towards us. She stopped the car and I got off. I walked away from the kangaroo cause I wanted it to follow me and it did. It came up to me and sniffed me. I pet it it liked me. I was going to call animal patrol but I wanted the kangaroo to be free when I saw that it was harmless so I didn't call. Then someone came out of their house and told me, "look, it's dead" and pointed at it. I turned around and the kangaroo was run over and bloody in a driveway. I ran to it and hugged it and pet it so it wouldn't die alone. I cried when I pet it and it twitched before it died in my arms. July 28, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis