Teacher praising my exam paper
Exams i am unable to finish my papers
I dreamnt i was siiting in the examination room and a lady came and throw a paper in the dustbin
I dreamt of going into a room to answer quiz questions and people in room turned into people made of newspaper who attacked me...
I dreamt i was in a church going up a step to the balcany someone was calling my name a man so i turned to see him he told me he came to teach me to sing so i said ok walked back down and sat on a chair in front of my friend who turned to me and smiled i then took a piece of paper and started to draw an animal when i woke up what about the singing.the man came to teach me what does that mean
I dreamt i was in a church going up a step to the balcany someone was calling my name a man so i turned to see him he told me he came to teach me to sing so i said ok walked back down and sat on a chair in front of my friend who turned to me and smiled i then took a piece of paper and started to draw an animal when i woke up what about the singing
I dreamt i was in a church going up a step to the balcany someone was calling my name a man so i turned to see him he told me he came to teach me to sing so i said ok walked back down and sat on a chair in front of my friend who turned to me and smiled i then took a piece of paper and started to draw an animal when i woke up
Being left alone in strange place, ignorned by boyfriend who is reading newspaper
I dreamnt i was siiting in the examination room writting exam and a lady came and throw a paper which was written with red ink in the dustbin
I dreamnt i was siiting in the examination room and a lady came and throw a paper which was written with red ink in the dustbin