One day, I had a dream where I had a loose tooth, and i tried to pull it out and all of my teeth slowly and painfully. I think thats supposed to represent taking away all of the stress in my life, like my boyfriend leaving for college and my family moving to arizona. September 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that someone stole my black cat and put black paint on his feet. I had another dream where I witnessed my girlfriend commit suicide by using a blue scarf. September 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Some how my mom broke out of jail, to move to Arkansas with me, frank, and a white couple. Something went wrong with going, my mom decided to have a shoot out with the police in turn being shot in her chest and killing the officers, as my mother lay dying I tell Terri to shoot me in my upper back near my heart however the bullet went in to the left and came out on the right just under my tit. Terri and I were in 7-11 some how. We managed to make it to an apartment back to my mom that was not dead at all, I asked her how she was feeling, she replied "I'm at a place when I am okay with whatever happens" I say even dying? She laid her head on the floor and closed her eyes and continued to breathe, I called the police to get us help but nothing came and we were down the street from the police station :( I woke up with the same burn I felt in my chest with being shot. As I'm laying here wondering what it all means I feel sad inside, because I think this is telling me that I feel guilty about something concerning her. Then again I can feel happy in knowing that regardless of how long help took, we keep living through the pain. September 20, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
. I remember that we were supposed to go tent camping…I remember attempting to rope climb. The rope was very high up. There were two ropes twisted together. I untwisted and noticed they had knots used to assist climbers. I attempted to climb while I was by myself before anyone came to see me. I had a lot of difficulty, having to jump to gain any distance on the rope. Shortly after my attempts kids joined me, although I don’t remember seeing their faces, the feeling I had made me believe they were my own. I suddenly flashed back to the rope and remember touching the beam, signaling my success, and allowing myself to free fall back down to the ground. I remember there being problems getting through the dirt roads to get to the various places on the site. I remember there being an issue with something that we gave the attendant, and we took back from his bicycle when he wasn’t looking. Jillian, was displeased with the grounds keepers and the site, but was out running around doing adventures anyway, while I conducted business. I flashed and Jill, along with the camping adventure was gone, and I was with the ladies from the HR office playing a high stakes game of paintball. The funny thing was it was in the corporate office that we were playing. We were wearing professional garb, like helmets, BDU’s (Black) and goggles. It felt almost as if we were practicing a drill or scenario of some sort. I remember giving silent hand signals to my team members, I was the leader, and they understood what I meant. I was shocked b/c we had no formal training, but it was as if my team had been practicing for this for a long time. I remember seeing someone attempting to get the drop on us, peaking through a cracked door. I quickly pulled my head back around the corner of a wall and began to open fire. I do not remember actually hitting the person, but I do remember winning with my team, and we acted very swat team professional, and then my dreams were over. September 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
A thing was watching me and if it watched me long enough it would kill me in a slow and painful death. It watched my mum and killed her. I saw the thing watching me and so I closed the curtains so it couldn't see me but it was still there. It was then still outside but not looking at me so i ran outside and killed it by hitting it jumping on it and then slicing its neck with a knife. I then put what seemed like a head with lots of hair in a bag and put it in the bin and then went inside. I then got told by my master that I had to do this once a year to survive. September 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at an (American) football match as a cheerleader with a friend, when my ex, walked out onto the playing field. It was weird though, because he is European and does the other kind of football (soccer). In real life, I still love him, and it ended in a very confusing and painful way for both of us. He said he cared about me, but as we live in different countries, it just cannot be at this time. He also accused me of hiding things from him and that I somehow hurt him by betraying his trust in that way. He said he was asking himself if he really did know me. So it ended very sad. He didn't see me and just walked past looking very unhappy, or angry...? I seem to somehow be happy however, even though in real life I am still hurting. But I point him out to my friend and tell her, 'That's him, isn't he beautiful?' My friend says, 'He's making kissy faces at you.' And I look and say, 'No, I don't even think he saw me, and that's just how his mouth goes.' Everyone was wearing red. Suddenly, I find myself flying up and down in cities and showing off in front of people who look on amazed as I do the impossible. But then I realise that I am supposed to be somewhere. I am trying to get to the city where my ex lives but cannot seem to find the way. I am desperate to get to him. I stop and ask a man at a cafe, and he points over the ocean. 'I can't fly over the ocean' I say, 'I can't swim and it scares me. But if I go over land it will take too long.' Then I suddenly cannot fly. I'm becoming increasingly frantic trying to get to him. I then find myself in a house with strange people which seems to be back in my hometown, who have stolen my handbag which for some weird dream reason holds my ability to fly in it. So I'm really stuck. I meet a girl who admits to stealing it, but will not tell me where it is. I become so upset that I put my hands around her throat and say that I will stop at nothing to get to the person I love. Then I don't really remember how the rest played out before waking, but I'm pretty sure I was still lost and not getting to where I wanted. September 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis