Last night, I dreamt of living in a garden home by a strange Caucasian man. All the rest of the houses on the block we are bright. His house had old trees and looked creepy. Since, I was next door I always had a feeling that he was watching me and out to get me. All of a sudden, I had parked my car on the road and I had to hurry and get in. I got in my car and saw a white sheet in my rear view. I immediately knew he was in my car trying to hurt me from behind. I jumped out of the car before he could hurt me.
Was in a house with my mother that has been dead for two years now. the house felt like it was moving. i looked out of the window and saw the house sliding down the street like as if it was on a mud side. i remember thinking i need to get my mother out of this house
A character from a book i am currently reading came into my room while i was asleep. he crowled onto my bed so he was positioned on top of me. when he did this, i woke up and twisted around and in the action i flung him so i was on top of him. i held his hands down, even though he was sort of muscular and i knew he was stronger than me. then i asked who he was and he aid his name. then at the same time we said the organization he was from. i let him up and we sat on the edge of the bed. i knew if the organization sent him then something was bad. he told me i dont have normal blood and i needed to go with him to get my blood tested. i asked what i would do about my parents and he said he would take care of that. i was beggining to pack my stuff when i saw he had a troubled look on his face. then three wolves came into the room. he tried to protect me but then i was watching this scene unfols from a third person view. my eyes started glowing bright white and i skillfuly killed the wolves. my eyes stopped glowing. he looked at me in wonder and awe. i felt my knees go weak and as i fell he caught me and carried me out of my house and i felt mushy inside as he was carrying me. then i woke up for real.
I was on a plane with my buddy toucan, but toucan looked like my other friend Michelle, and we were gonna fly to delaware bc toucan had some family reunion or something going on, and i was along for the ride. I was supposed to fly to delaware with her and then call my mom n dad. We were flying, when we openednoir laptops and started chatting over skype?? We plugged our laptops into these power outlets on the plane. Some people were yelling at us for being too loud?? We then land back in Pennsylvania, in a random street bc its too stormy to fly suddenly. Our piolet, who looks like my bus driver, nearly hits this kid dinah i know. We all get out of the plane. I run across the street to this nearby hotel / apartment complex. I tell the clerk about our situation, and ask for rooms. He frowns and tells me there is no rooms open, and hes sorry. I run back outside and tell everyone else there isn't anymore rooms for us to dtay in before i wake up.
I went to my friends house. She is a girl. When i got to her house i saw her family. I looked under her door and saw her watering planets. Started fighting one of her family memebers. When she saw me she starlted and yelded. Her family chased me out of her house. But i love her.
I rode a scooter down the street and a truck was about to drive past but stop in the middle of the road infront of me so the drive could look down at something. As he then looked up to drive I caught his attention and he smiled saying hey! Hiw old are you? Where you going you wanna go to a party with me? I got scared and said no and started to run back to the house but he began to follow calling after me asking me where I was going. I scream trying to get someone's attention and run in the house yelling help since this man had followed me home. My family was all there staring at me until I kept saying that guy keeps following me help me get him away dad. My older brother and a cousin was outside waiting for him. As the guy drove his truck in a neighbor's driveway without even putting the car in park he just jumps out and runs towards the house with a happy excited face. I kept telling him go away I don't want to go with you to a party! I don't know you! He got mad and started throwing things. He threw a bag of ice and it almost hit my younger brother in the back but I stood in front of it and quickly hit it away before it hit my face. The man laughed asked wow you hit away? Why didn't you let it hit your face? I got mad and threw the bag od ice at him but it missed. He came in the house and grabbed my arm trying to get me to go with him while he had a smile on his face and was all excited. I kept telling him no since it was making me more and more scared I couldn't get away. I kept saying I don't know know you! Go away! My brother cousin manage to get him away from me and throw him outside and started fighting him. I started to help fight him off too to get him out of there but it just made more and more mad and want me more. He tried to break my cousin's leg but I kicked him in the face and twisted his leg to break,
I dreamt of a girl with black hair jumping of a bridge into water and i jumped in to save her and afterward i looked after her.
I had THE BEST SEX EVER in a dream with god gorgeous guy from Germany and he looked EXACTLY like this guy in real life that I seriously want to murder really bad!
My sister and my boyfriend were kissing and i looked at his hands and seen blood then we noticed blood all over her back and she was dead
I went to a theme park with my mom. It looked like a city, it had lots of skyscrapers but I said it was a theme park. I told my mom it reminded me of Mt. Olympus. It was home to the world's fastest roller coaster. My mom and I were standing watching the roller coaster go by really fast when something went wrong. The roller coaster broke and came off the track. There were people injured everywhere. I remember a man and a little girl specifically. My mom started to go help them but for some reason I couldn't stop screaming "they're already dead we have to go"