It stars out with me lying on my stomach, reading a book in a dance studio with mirrored walls..
I look up and see myself in the mirror.
My face cracks and begins falling away revealing a demon underneath.
The mirror cracks and the demon reaches through and grabs me by the wrist.
The demons claws sink into my wrist, crushing it, and making me bleed. There is a lot of blood.
The demon pulls me into the mirror.
I find myself in a maze of mirrors.
The demon is chasing me. It is foggy.
I follow an animal, perhaps a tiger that is guiding me through the maze.
I wake up terrified and crying.
Last night I dreamt of my house being surrounded in water.. I was inside with my swimming suit on. I had my sliding back door open and the water was rising but not coming in. It was like a wall of water.. It filled up to the top. I could see the water in every window. My head began to feel pressurized like i was at the bottom of a pool but I was breathing fine. Then I woke up.
I was running faster and fasting with a boy chasing me. We were laughing. As I ran faster it was like I was as light as air and jumped over a wall. I ran faster and faster. Then It was like I was falling into a hole. The dirt changed to look red. I landed in a pile of something. I saw an opening with more red light. I crawled through it. I was in a large room, like a train station. Arches on each side leading somewhere, more red light flooding out. I heard talking and walked over to an arch and look through. I saw my friends and asked where Jake was. He looked at me as said you're that girl.
Glass wall
A lady had stolen my wallet and I went and begged for it back because I needed my id cards, there as a 20 $ bill in it. She gave it to me and there was a sprig of dry parsley sticking out of it.
I dreamt being chased by two or more man on huge steep roack of a mountain and i succesfully jumped over the wall like formation of rock to evade the chase and was climbing other similar wall when i woke up
I was sleeping in the bed then suddenly ive noticed water under my bed to my surprise water comes from ceiling down to the wall and into floor i was panic am thingking theres a problem in the roof because the main tank was on the roof.
Wall with holes
Hole in the wall
I was in a car with two people. One was a girl I liked the other I can't recall. Being around her and talking with her made me feel happy. Suddenly the car was in a big white room. It got smaller and smaller. I didn't pay much attention to it though. I noticed a cassette with the tape going through a whole into a compartment I couldn't reach. I then realized I was being recorded, suddenly the girl and the guy were still. I paid particular attention to the girl of course. She had her head tilted towards me, smiling. They were like dolls... I screamed that I wanted this to be real.... please don't do this... Then they disappeared and the walls closed in tighter and tighter. I felt trapped.... then I woke up.