I work at a horse riding school, i am at work and i'm in the upstairs office, I look out the window and rub my hand in dust, A message comes to me which tells me something is behind me, so i run downstairs past a bed which is in the office to my boss and explain to her, A customer then comes upstairs and tells us there is something very evil in there and not to go back. October 24, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream I was in the police station as an ex police and greeted by a woman sergeant of police,i saw the police line up for duty and marching .I was told to report for duty the next day at 7am ,went to the barrack room to my locker saw with a big lock on,on opening it I realized my uniforms were not there and remembering they were home,but on checking ,my uniform shirt was there with buttons on.two officers were there ,one I recognized by name and number who was my course mate and the other I now by name .I found a uniform pants which needed ironing and when I asked for an electric iron I didn't get any.I was worried that I won't get to work in time the next day because it was going to be a holiday and transportation was a problem October 24, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream I was in the police station as an ex police and greeted by a sergeant of police ,saw the police fall in for duty and marching .I was to report for duty the next day at 7am ,went to the barrack room to my locker saw with a big lock on,on opening it I realized my uniforms were not there and remembering they were home,but on checking my uniform shirt was there with buttons on.two officers were there ,one I recognized by name and number who was my course mate and the other I now by name .I found a uniform pants which needed ironing and when I asked for an elvtric iron I didn't get any October 24, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I remember it starting off in my government class. I have to go to the bathroom so I leave and walk a ways into a public bathroom that also has showers. I start the shower then go into the stall to go to the bathroom. Then I appear at a college. A girl greets me and tells me she is going to give me a tour. We go into her office which looks like a bedroom and while shes talking to me I hear a Heep and frantically look in the closet for the source of the sound but cant locate it. We then go on a tour through the forms and there's dead people every where. We then go down some stairs and outside where there is a guy who hung himself and is hanging from the second story. October 19, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was working at an office with a lot of stuck up people and there was a competition on who was going to get the job so as the day goes on it seemed that someone had got a plan to make sure i didnt get the job so i had gotten sabotage and the old people started getting sick and dying and they blamed it on me October 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a horrible school that had a demon elevator. It swung back and forth as it went up and down and it started moving before the doors closed. There were more reasons why the school was so horrible, so a group of students got frustrated and fed up and decided to blow up the school. I was handed a gray stick that I guess was dynamite and someone lit it. I was trying to time my throw but it burned really quickly and began burning my hand so my throw sucked and the stick landed and exploded in front of the school. Then the principal pulled me into her office and told me that kids had tried that before and no one had or ever would succeed. It was a rather deterring thing to hear. October 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Some person from my office came to me and told that that don't go to your home for a hour or two otherwise you will be arrested by plolice at the early period of sunrise October 18, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream where I was at my dream college, UCLA. I was walking though the beautiful campus, and just absorbing everything in. I go to the admissions office to go pick up my schedule and then when I get there, they tell me that I was never accepted into the college. I was shocked and I pull of the letter I got from them a couple of months earlier only to find out that it actually says that I didn’t get in. I had misread the letter. October 15, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis