Fat guy, singing opera song, auditorium, wooden chair, stained teeth, chipped tooth
Dressed in white, subway train station, electric blue hair, braids, pen, seemed real, stabbed in heart, accident, mirror
I had a dream about my dance teacher and one of the student teachers. The student teacher was telling me off because I was wearing leggings which had a bit of blue on and they were meant to be all black, I said well chloe is wearing a purple top how come she is not getting shouted at. chloe butted in, I got angry and pushed this other girl megan over, she hit her her, I felt bad, felt like I was about to cry, but finished the dance class. I then went over on one of the rocking chairs and rocked to hard and it fell over and I hit my head then. I started crying, not because I hit my head, I was just feeling emotional, so then I went to the toilet, my dance teacher who was sat there when the student teacher was shouting at me , noticed I was gone for a while and knew I wasn't crying over hitting my head. so she came and forced the door of the toilet open and brought megan with her, she started asking me questions and I really wanted to tell her what was truthfully wrong (I have depression and struggle with self harm) so I asked megan to leave, I sort off got the point across to my dance teacher, then she left the toilet and that's where my dream ended.
I had a dream that i have a newborn beautifull baby boy. I was holding it in my hands, it was looking directly in my eyes. I was wondering why it has big blonde hair, it also had blue eyes, eventhough me and my boyfriend for whom i was dreaming that is the father have black eyes.There was my mother who said why i didn't abort the baby when i knew my boyfriend doesn't want it, and then my boyfriend came into the room and wanted to take the baby , but i was not willing to give it to him, i had a feeling that everyone hates it except me, was very scared for it, and was holding it protecting it in my arms
Hair falling out in clumps
In a shop, having my hair dyed and having an argument with someone I don't know and she is flirting with my boyfriend , I had my hair dyed red and this woman dyed her hair blonde to look like me. My boyfriend was laughing. I had to try hard to stop my boyfriend talking to her and sniggering
Shaved my hair
A green chair controlling everything
Had an ingrown hair and started pulling it from my cheek and it was double my wingspan in length
Dreaming of washing my hair