Back to the most prestigious school, Praise God, prepare meals, chairman greets given biology text books March 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in a forest at twilight, graves all through, i walk up a slight hill in the forest towards our house. its an old fashioned house, I walk inside and to my keft is the kitchen a modern kitchen and my sisters and my mother are cooking. I walk past the kitchen into this huge open living area, to my left an old man is sitting in a big old leather chair, he has his back turned to me, its rather dark and there are antiques everywhere, a stuffed animal is on display, however, i cant work out what it is. To my left is a big staircase, with blood red velvet carpet, I look up and there are no ceilings like different floor levels accept theie walls and white doors in a row on each floor, like they are rooms, however, i cant see how you get up to them. I start climbing the stairs, a very wide staircase, i feel unsettled, scared even. something reminds me that i cant go past the fourth floor, once you go past the fourth floor you will never come back. thats when i wake up just as i reach the fourth floor. February 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I keep dreaming of seeing my husband in our bed and he is dead. Then I see myself at his funeral. After the funeral I curl up in his chair with our dog and cry. February 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
In the dream i was in my goodwin class and we were being controlled by this large rat human. he was really scary and was threatening to hurt or kill us. We escaped from the school and i ended up at my neighbors house hiding behing a chair. he came into the house, found me, and then it ended. February 20, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Stranger looking throw my living room window. felt scared, another stranger sitting in a chair on my right pointing at the stranger February 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am back to school, one of the most prestigious in the country, i leave my bag with books in the old school. We are given Biology text books. Roasted maize is being deep fried for our snack. The chairman of my daughter's schools tells me Praid God carol March 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreams of a snake coming out from kitchen cabinet & used a chair to hit it in the hall to protect my doggies February 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had this dream three times so far- well really, it's not the dream, it's the location of the dream. The first time i had this dream was when i was maybe about six years old. I don't really remember what it was about, but i can give the house's details (probably) pinpoint exact. The next time I had the dream was when i was nine. Again, that house was there, taking role in my dream. The last time (so far) I had the house in my thought was when i was eleven. The house is very old looking; well, not the old, haunted type of old, but an old styled house. Maybe a house that could be from the 1950s. The front of the house overlooks a nearby river that's a good sized river. The front yard is also sizable, too; plenty of room for children to play on. There is a porch that spans from one side to the other side of the front of the house. There's two windows on the first floor that overlook the river; and there is three windows on the top floor. The middle window opens to a balcony. I do not know what the back or the sides of the house look like; it has always been the front (really, only the bottom half of the exterior of the house; i had to really remember to give some detail about the top half), or the inside. From what i can hypothesize is that the house is bigger in the inside than what the outside interprets. There are many rooms, but only two of the rooms have come into play in each of my three dreams. (These dreams come alive when I am in my unconscious state of sleep.) One of the rooms has many small windows. The windows overlook the river so the information about the exterior of the front of the house could be wrong, or, my brain is saying some type of magic is used within the house to make it so that there is more sight of the river. There is about four to five windows that have a little skirt of curtain at the top held by a horizontal pole; then below the skirt are normal curtains. There are wicker and straw tables around the room, flower pots of nothing are placed evenly, there is a wicker couch and chair that have a styled cushion, and that is only one side of the room; i have only seen that side. There is a door that when you would open it, it would take you inside my brother's closet. It was some kind of portal from this "river" house to my actual house. This took place more in my latest dream. And finally, there is this one door that i have never actually opened. I guess you could say my dream persona is a little too apprehensive about opening it. It's a huge metal door that is rounded at the top. There are no windows, no doorknobs, just little intricate metal works of little circles that from a semicircle if you were to look at the door from an angle. In my dreams there have been some ideas as to what's behind this door- this is no normal sized door, it is at least seventeen feet high. Now, i have no clue how this size of a door would fit into a two story house. Thank you for reading and hopefully coming up with a meaning. Some of these "facts" will probably turn out wrong because it has been two years since my last dream of it. February 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis