I dreamed of the next bedroom where we put everything in it is like a storeroom thugs got in and take everything they left only a box which is full of dish cloth and few things like water bucket phone lines but wardrobe chest drawers beds are gone June 19, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
There is a large door in front of me. I am holding an old rusty key chain with three keys, small, medium and one very long key. they are facing down. the long one moves up till it is sticking straight out. A hand takes my hand and lifts it up and puts it in the key hole and I turn the key. the door unlocks and falls down. the door is over a river of running water. I can now cross over the water June 18, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
It was judgement day and everyone was running around. if you turn clear gold you go heaven if you turn silver you go hell. i turned gold, so i went to heaven but once i got there i could see a waterfall and i was floating on cloud this woman came up to me i couldn't see her face because everything was blurry and i could see other people behind her of the same race. i think it was my grandma who recently just pass because she was wearing my countries cultural clothes and she was trying to tell me something but i don't know what. June 16, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Virgin Mary Waterfall Tears Drinking Water Flying Descending Canoe Christ Crucifix Four Oars Baby River July 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Driving in a car going off a cliff by mistak into the water have my daughter and mother in car we all survive in dream July 06, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming of too much water sea and walking and talking with my decesed sister And there were too much people and we said my alife grandmother died June 23, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Virgin Mary; Waterfall; Tears; Drinking Tears; Drinking Water; Flying; Descending; Canoe; Christ; Crucifix; Four; Oars; Baby; River July 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
My dead sister holding my hand and talking to my grandmother and lots of people waiting and watching a big blue clear water and my ex and the girlfriend changing faces June 23, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I cannot remember the first part of my dream, but I remember there being multiple killings, they all hit one of my family members. Then, I am in a house that I used to live in. Then suddenly, I see my dog shot through the back of her head. The blood spews everywhere. I scream and turn around and tell everybody. Then once I turn around again, she is sitting in my brother's lap and she is unhurt. Everybody calls me crazy. Then, my dream cuts to another part that I don't remember, but someone is murdered. Eventually, my dream cuts to a part where somebody is shot through the window. I see this person get shot, but nobody else sees it. I am called crazy once again. But they believe me at some random point in the dream, and we go after the killer. We end up in a mall and I see a set of windows with tonnes of bullet holes in them. I look through a window and see a man with a gun looking down at us. I scream "run" and drag them down the hall a bit. I end up in a bathroom, but my backpack fills with water. It makes a lot of noise, and I give up and walk out of the bathroom. I see the killer and he walks up to me and asks me where my family is since he wants to skin them. I trick him, saying that I would take him to them since I wanted to skin them alive too(when I didn't). I take him to the roof, where he tells me something along the lines of "I'm trying this new thing where I take people on blind dates before I kill them". Then as I'm swinging him off of the roof (when he appeared in front of me, I took both of his hands in mine so he wouldn't reach for a weapon), I wake up, quite abruptly. June 23, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis