The Apocalypse begins when all major banks fail. However there's a small group of enlightened, aware people that have seen this coming and made preparations. They had taken their money out of the banks and into smaller unions which remain unfazed by the destructing . When the when the global financial system crumbles, this causes chaos and pandemonium on earth, however it's just a distraction. While the majority of people are crippled by the events, the astute observer notices amidst the chaos, there are strong, unusually focused characters of superhuman strength training in the rubble. An uprising led by an evil force is beginning and they are training for war . The enlightened ones take heed of this and band together to form an alliance against this evil that is brewing. They begin their training, as well, based on teachings and predictions found in a book called Terra Firma and this is what the second group calls themselves. January 10, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
It was me and my 3 friends we were at my house and some guy was looking in the glass door and all the doors were locked so I ran and shut the garage doors and we all ran to my parents room where the door locks and called the cops and called my dad and then the guy knocked on my window across the hall and I woke up January 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that I was with family friends of my boyfriend and one of them kept trying to sexually assault me. I called my boyfriend and he was on his way. The guy became aggressive, pulling at my hair and being mentally abusive, and the moment he let go, I ran out the house. My boyfriend was there and calmed me down and when the guy came out, he beat him up. January 16, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I live in a suburban neighborhood and there is a bike trail through the back, there are woods and a river you can walk back too, but so much unexplored area back there. I was back there by the river and my boyfriend came back there, but to get to me he had to drop down an embankment to reach me. He wanted me to go somewhere with him, but I told him no, that I was busy, climbed the embankment and left him there. The next thing I know Im waking up in my room and I see my mom and I ask her "where is Izzy?" (my boyfriend ). She told me he is dead. kinda see in my mind him surrounded by three guys with guns, in the woods where I last saw him. He ended up getting shot and left there, and an ambulance couldnt get to him in time. I instantly thought that if I had went with him or stayed that I couldve called the ambulance and saved him in time. but I wasnt and now he is gone. I could kinda picture him laying dead in a morgue somewhere but I wasnt allowed to go see him for some reason. I remember feeling lost and utterly alone and endless amounts of crying to where it hurt so bad (this dream felt extremely real). He is from miami and was for some reason living with me in MD. Next in my dreamt I checked the obituary, there was a full page for him and a picture of his family, but the picture was blown up so big and fuzzy and it made me sad that the quality was bad. Underneath it said his name , both date to date of death, and something his family wrote along the lines of "this will make our family stronger". His family wouldnt talk to me and I realized I would never see them again. I was surrounded with the feeling that I would never see him again or be with him again and it killed me and I wanted to die, I was screaming and crying to someone (Im not sure who it was, I couldnt see their face) saying "I was going to marry him! We were happy! We were going to be together forever! I love him!". The next thing I knew I was walking around Walmart with my boyfriend and no one could see him, I felt a little bit of happiness but was still sad, we walked by halloween costumes and I remember seeing a big pink rabbit costume. He said to me "are you happy?" and I told him "not really" and he said" well I dont know Ashleigh, this is the best I can do" and I was so overwhelmed with a feeling of being forever alone and missing him so bad and wanting him so bad. It was one of the realest feeling dreams I have ever had. January 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my house, but it wasn’t my house. There were more rooms. There were fake trees in the hallway. I was aggravated with daughter because her tub was stopped up and toys were floating everywhere and she hadn’t told me it was stopped up. I was in the living room on the computer (the room looked very similar to my living room with some differences.) My mom and dad were both in the room. There were these tiny white bees (about ½ the size of a honey bee) and one regular honey bee flying around. One stung me. Dad was trying to swat them with his hand and I got the fly swatter. Mom grabbed it and started climbing on the furniture to swat the bees. I was afraid she was going to fall. I took the swatter and tried to his the bees, but never could. There was a weird Siamese cat (that was tortoise shell, calico looking instead of a solid color) that would appear in the room then run off. I never followed the cat, and it wouldn’t come when I called for it. My brother was there, but it wasn’t my brother. For some reason I was trying to figure out why he hadn’t taken over my daughter's room when she moved out because it had a bathroom and was bigger. I didn’t ask. January 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream my current boyfriend kept taking me to places with a lot of people where I was uncomfortable and kept leaving me alone. The first place was a house of someone who won millions of dollars and had four pools that he let anyone come swim in. We left there and went to a huge mall. We had to go down osculating stairs and my shoes got caught. I managed to free my feet but my shoe was stuck. My boyfriend told me to sit on this wall while he got my shoe free. next to me was this older man who was throwing out drugs to everyone. My boyfriend told me to stay there and left me to hang out with his friends. Then my ex boyfriend Brian found me and asked me to walk with him and he made me feel better. As we were leaving my boyfriend saw me and ran down this glass hallway and opened double glass doors to kiss me goodbye because he was going to hang out with his friends. I looked behing my boyfriend was this group of people smiling and laughing. I felt jealous and sad. As he was saying goodbye kissing me three times, Brian who was holding one of the doors standing next to jose, said "it will be ok sweet pea" which is my boyfriend s nick name for me. My boyfriend figured I was cheating on him and became angry and I couldnt believe he said that. He didnt know i was in a relationship and in that moment i felt like i was doing something wrong with brian. My ex boyfriend and my current boyfriend were both angry with me so I started walking out alone. I walked downstairs and on to the sidewalk when someone called my name and before i turned i hoped it was my boyfriend or brian but it was someone I didn't know running after me calling my name. It was this nerdy girl she invited me to ride with her and a bunch of people on a party bus. Reluctantly I said ok. The bus was packed people were sitting on top of other people. I was in the front by the bus driver who was drunk and was scared we were going to wreck. We stopped on a road I didn't know and I got off the bus and started walking alone. January 10, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I opened a kitchen cabinet and so many snake. I SHOWED IT TO ONE CO-WORKERS WHO SUGGESTED THAT WE CUT OFF THE HEADS AND COOK THEM TO EAT AFTER TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW THEY GOT IN THE KITCHEN......I WENT OFF TO FIND HIS WIFE WHO WAS IN ANOTHER BUILDING...I had to walk down hill to that building. WHEN I got to the building I walked past a group of co-workers sitting at a round table.....I called one of them to walk with me and told him about the snakes. We encountered the wife was in a room behind lock doors. We did not get to tell her about the snakes because she was agitated about a rally we missed. SHE FOUND OUT AFTER EMAILING THE SALES STAFF. January 19, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My deceased boyfriend called me and said he was alive but not coming back January 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt about my boyfriend married his ex. In the dream he was suppose to be going to Mexico that weekend to get married I was shocked and asked him why he didn't tell me. He said he was going to call the wedding off because he loved me and wanted to be with me. In the dream his family called her Jennifer and in real life I find out that was her name. It's crazy. Also in the dream I was not angry or upset I was curious how he had this relationship when he was with me all the time and when I asked him that in my dream he responded that they never saw each other cause he told her he was working 24/7. He then told her the wedding was off because he wanted to be with me and she became upset and we just went on our merry way Not sure what this means because we are having no problems and she is no where in the picture. I'm not worried or jealous but found it very odd that I would have this dream after being together almost 2 years. What does this mean? January 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Big black and yellow spider were in the kitchen on the floor then I seen another on appear on the counter then I looked over and seen another one on the opposite side then I called for help and no one came so I went and got bug spray and killed them all what does this mean January 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis