I dreamt about do not fear stand firm on the rock of righteousness March 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was driving down the street and I saw my brother and father outside of my dad's old house doing something in a tool shed. I pulled over and we went in the house which my brother now lived in. the house was being remodeled. Except for a couch in the family room there was nothing in the house in any room it was all under construction. It was covered in sawdust and Sheetrock dust, as was the couch. There was no kitchen there was red and gold colored tile on the floor. My uncle aunt and a couple of my cousins and a guy who i don't know myself and my youngest daughter, who is disabled. my brother was taking us around the house and explaining what work was being done. My father was playing with my daughter, then I remembered that my father had passed away 11 years ago and when i looked back to see him playing with her, she was just laying on the floor alone. Also my uncle who passed away about 5 years ago, he bumped me in the shoulder and made me knock into the wall where I got sheet rock dust all over me. March 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was doing farmhand work for a women I've worked for for awhile. I was standing in an empty stall staring at the bare dirt. I don't know why but I decided to look at my belly button. It had something in it. It looked like a narrow oval rock half way in. I grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a small turtle. I tossed the little turtle. I looked at my belly button again and another turtle was in it; a bit deeper. I grabbed the rear of his shell and tried to pull it out; it gave a little then started to try and go deeper. I pulled untill it came out and I tossed it like the first one. I got scared all of asudden. I woke up. March 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
In a house looking out the window at a bridge connected to a small island with a circle of standing rocks, in a pool of calm water, maroon clouds drft by. March 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was doing farmhand work for a women I've worked for for awhile. I was standing in an empty stall staring at the bare dirt. I don't know why but I decided to look at my belly button. It had something in it. It looked like a narrow oval rock half way in. I grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a small turtle. I tossed the little turtle. I looked at my belly button again and another turtle was in it; a bit deeper. I grabbed the rear of his shell and tried to pull it out; it gave a little then started to try and go deeper. I pulled untill it came out and I tossed it like the first one. I got scared all of asudden. I had this dream multiple times March 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Woods stream ex- boyfriend airport bed sleep late painting fight longing woman airplane tired one tree house riverbank shore rocks shallow walk hike shun March 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis