Understand My Dreams

Dreams my mother

This was a weird dream and I was with my mother aunt cousin and my new cousin that lived across the country we were visiting we were in a creepy cartoon setting but we were not cartoons there was a sign that said watch out for vampires everyone laughed accept me I was distracted by a high pitch scream no one else heard the all of a sudden in a split second everything was gone and there was this scary face with blacked out eyes screaming very high pitch just staring at me and smiling at my terror

My mother and I was going to church in my car so we got in the car and Ibegan to drive then all of a sudden came to a curve,my car seem to be going fast speed I put my foot on the.brakes but they want work Icouldnt stop my mother and iI saw the pond on the right side of me and it was dark water in it so the car fell over in the pond it went down so I got out and my mother got out so I swarm to my mother and helped her out of thewater on the side of it and sat dpwn I noticed the pond wasn't so deep so I got out and we went walking on the side of the highway and so another car came.by Apostle Bowen stopped and said your car in the pond so I looked I could see it very well through the water so I said yes shedaid i will call the wrecker to pull you out.then she asked.had we took communion yet we said no it was in the car she said when you get home take communion. My mother say can we take it any time I said yes.

My family was at a motel in Kansas City, everyone was wanting something to drink so I was walking to the quick store on the corner. As I was walking 2 guys on a big motorcycle rode by giving me the stare down. The driver had on a German soldiers helmet. They pulled a U-turn in the street and headed towards me. I knew this was not good so I started back to the motel. The bikers got 25 feet away and pulled out pistols the bike driver shot me through the neck, his rider shot me in the leg. They parked the bike and the driver walked over pointed his gun at my head. I sweep his legs out from under him and wrestled him on the ground. I got his gun pointed at his chest and shot him 2 time then took his gun and shot his rider in the head. I limped back to the motel holding my neck. When I got to the room my mother seen me and scream what happen. I told her 2 guys shot me, she asked what happen next. I said I shot and killed both of them. She asked me if I had to do that and I said mom they just shot me please someone take me to the hospital I am bleeding badly. We got in the car and drove but could never find the hospital, I woke up

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