Understand My Dreams

Dreams kitchen

Me and a bunch of other people in a for stat night were running away from something. Then there appeared this big ditch. All of a sudden everyone was gone except me and a man standing on the other side of the ditch. I asked him to please help me get on the other side and he did. However after getting to the other side instead of running away from what was chasing us he insisted that I suck his dick to thak him for helping me. I refused to and he got very angry. So I ran away and I noticed him running towards me. I ran into a gas station that was near by and I found my mom and her sisters in the kitchen there. When I turned around the man was behind me yelling, so I grabbed a knife and stabbed him to death

Im in a forest at twilight, graves all through, i walk up a slight hill in the forest towards our house. its an old fashioned house, I walk inside and to my keft is the kitchen a modern kitchen and my sisters and my mother are cooking. I walk past the kitchen into this huge open living area, to my left an old man is sitting in a big old leather chair, he has his back turned to me, its rather dark and there are antiques everywhere, a stuffed animal is on display, however, i cant work out what it is. To my left is a big staircase, with blood red velvet carpet, I look up and there are no ceilings like different floor levels accept theie walls and white doors in a row on each floor, like they are rooms, however, i cant see how you get up to them. I start climbing the stairs, a very wide staircase, i feel unsettled, scared even. something reminds me that i cant go past the fourth floor, once you go past the fourth floor you will never come back. thats when i wake up just as i reach the fourth floor.

In my dream i had a baby in the kitchen that my mother in law helped deliver and i ended up in the car with one of my old friends in the middle of no where and seen tall skinny dark black furry animals with arms that drug down to the ground, they told us not to mess with them and they wouldn't mess with us. My friend in the front seat started to yell at them and the animals came to attack the care all i could think about was my baby in the car seat next to me one of the animals managed to get into the car window and started to attack. He had white eyes and sharp teeth, i go so scared i squeezed his neck and broke its neck. as we drove a little bit down the road we came to a steep hill with a bridge that we had to cross with the car. as the car move towards the bridge it flipped and the baby and i where out of the car with another boy but when i let the boy go my baby fell also and i couldn't find him in the water and a hand under the water pulled me down and i woke up.

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