Understand My Dreams

Dreams fight

I was at a supermarket and I lost my little sister while going up and down the aisles. I then mistook a Japanese zen monk as my sister and tried to pull her along back to the cart. She pulled away and walked away. I then went back to get her and she put me in some type of hold and started putting pressure on my arm. When I went to get her again she did some kind of crazy fighting move then hit me in the chest and I went hurling into an aisle. When I stopped sliding I looked up and grinned.

Dream 5/20/15 I was behind my house going clean ditch. I told my wife check on me time to time because ditch was dangerous n it goes deep like a quick sand if u stumbled into it. As it happened I stumbled. I was near the ditch missed main spot I was concerned with and fell into another and sink. I fell on a young weeping willow and used it to pull myself from ditch. When I got out I was facing cane field and out of no where an eagle landed on its prey. I thought it was a a rabbit. The eagle was proud and it looked left and right as it grasp it's kill. I moved into a better position and startled it. It was t a rabbit but a young cougar. The cougar jumped up and attacked me but a lion jumped in and attacked it. Well the young spotted cougar ran towards a house and then towards the intersection at jubilee. I followed watching as the lion caught it twice and gave it a good tearing near the neck and collar area. When I awoke I ask God for the interpretation as of now I only know that I am a Leo of my sun sign and Jesus is the lion of Judah who fights our battles. I've been praying for a sign on something I'm going through in my body and at my job. I'm believing God to make all things correct and have me be. Blessing at my work ,unblemished by the world or tags of who I am. He knows me and my heart and I will not mock but serve and give myself to Him. Please Lord. Amen Eagle is St. John the evangelist Banished to Patmos. Lion is Jesus

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